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★━━─ ・‥...━━━☆

"we're here, lyds."

lydia let out a sigh, flickering her eyes open for a moment, but quickly closed them once again when the sight of her childhood home came into her perspective.

fez barely caught onto the no that fell from her lips. he felt her take a hold of his hand, bringing it to her lips to press kisses against his knuckles. lydia breathed in the familiar cologne the boy wore, feeling her heart clench at the smell.

"i hate seein' you like this." fez shook his head slightly, keeping his eyes on his lap as he felt her soft lips press against his hands multiple times. "i don't know what kind of fucked up shit you got goin' on inside your head and i don't know how to help, but this drugs and alcohol shit is not the answer."

"i know." lydia mumbled against the back of his hand, opening her eyes to glance to the boy. "i'm sorry."

"you're crossfaded as hell right now. i don't even know why i'm talkin' like yo ass is goin' to remember a word i'm sayin' to you." fez let out a slight scoff, pulling his hand from her grasp. a frown pulled at her lips at the sudden action.

"thanks for the ride home." lydia spoke shortly, opening the passenger door without making a fool of herself due to the alcohol in her system.

fez closed his eyes tightly for a moment, knowing she was closing herself off because
of the feeling of rejection he'd sent her. she shut the passenger door without another word, leaving the boy alone with his thoughts once again.

★━━─ ・‥...━━━☆

fez rolled over in his bed, expecting to be met with the doe eyes he'd fallen head over heels for, but was greeted by the now cold sheets where her body recited the night before.

his brows furrowed in confusion, for he was expecting at least a goodbye kiss after the deed the two had did the night before. a pink sticky note on his nightstand caught his attention as he threw his legs over the side of the bed. his feet met the carpet as he grabbed the note.

i'm sorry
- lyds

fez attempted at calling the girl's cell over and over again to no avail. she'd ghosted him after sleeping with him for the first time. after they'd come clean about their feelings for one another the night before.

the boy couldn't help but wonder whether a word she'd ever uttered to him, if every promise made was ever remotely true.

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