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★━━─ ・‥...━━━☆

"fez, i need your actual input into this decision."

"lyds, it's your choice." fez countered from her side, the two lost within the aisles of the thrift shop. "what does it matter what i think?"

"fine, better question, pretty boy." lydia's back was turned towards the boy as a slight smile tugged at her lips. she turned on her heel dramatically in order to meet his gaze. "what are you going as?"

fez hummed aloud as he seemed deep in thought. "was thinking scarface."

a sigh tumbled from lydia's lips as her finger skimmed the clothing she passed. "so many options. the devil, a vampire, the joker, lana del rey!"

"lana del rey?"

"fez." lydia's entire demeanor fell flat in face of the realization the boy had absolutely no knowledge of the woman in question. "tell me you're joking."

"am i supposed to know who she is?" fez quirked an eyebrow as a humorous expression formed across his features.

"i've failed you." lydia breathed in an overdramatic sense. "we must leave now. you cannot spend another moment existing without knowing lana del rey!"

fez barely had a moment to register lydia's words before she was grasping his hand and rushing from the store without so much of a final glance.

yet once lydia's feet hit the parking lot, her gaze was being forced upon the echoing engine of a silver truck too familiar to be missed.

"is he fucking stalking me?"

"lyds," fez quickly wrapped his arm around lydia's frame in an attempt to disperse her escalating temper. there wasn't a question in the owner of the truck, yet it was easily pushed to the back of their thoughts once a kiss was pressed to lydia's temple. "it's okay."

once they reached fez's car, the later was opening the passenger door for lydia before she could even have the thought to do it herself. fez allowed the girl to climb inside his car before closing it behind her. his frame pressed against the car as he collected himself from the haunting thoughts of what was to come.

being with lydia jacobs was never easy for anyone involved, for nate jacobs always found a way in ruining every fleeting moment of happiness for his little sister.

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