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★━━─ ・‥...━━━☆

"long time, no see, lyds."

lydia felt her heart drop at the sound of the familiar voice just inches away. jackson was taken back by the girl's presence on his front porch, to say the least, but welcomed her inside his home nonetheless. 

"haven't seen you since you testified on your brother's side and got me put behind bars for a few months." there was a teasing tone to his words, yet it caused guilt to wash over the jacobs girl. "chill, lyds, i'm messing with you."

"i didn't have a choice." lydia whispered, nearly too quiet for the boy to catch.

"i know." jackson's words met her tone, a blanket of silence settling between the ex lovers for only a moment. "but it's been what, a couple years since the last time you've showed up on my doorstep. what happened?"

"everyone cares too much." lydia leaned her frame against the back of jackson's couch, the boy standing only inches in front of her as she spoke. "i think that's what i always loved about you. nothing ever mattered to you."

jackson's gaze flickered from the girl in response to her words. "yeah, well, caring only leads you to disappointment, heartbreak, the list goes on. what really happened, lydia?"

"i remember nate threatening me the night you left town. he'd forbid me from seeing you as if he was my fucking father. i remember walking here just to spite him." lydia's eyes remained on their feet as she recalled memories. "i want drugs, jackson. i want to be so fucked, i feel like i might die. i want to turn it all off."

"walk down memory lane?" jackson tilted his head, his own mind conjuring the memories with the jacobs girl. specifically the memories that occurred after the summer going into freshman year. "sex and drugs to escape the pain, just like old times? you sure you want that, princess?"

lydia's gaze flickered to the boy's lips, the act all jackson needed before he stepped towards the jacobs girl. lydia felt his hands lose themselves in her unruly hair as his lips pressed against her own with much force. lydia allowed his hands to trail down her body until they reach her legs, his fingers tapping the back of her thighs to order her to jump.

lydia's legs wrapped around his hips, her arms then finding their way around his neck before her back was pressed against a wall.

but before anything could escalate, lydia's phone started ringing. at first, the two ignored the sound until lydia realized she'd in fact left town without warning.


"i'm covering for you." aaron's voice was heard clearly to jackson due to the close proximity of the two. "but i don't know how long it'll last, especially not with nate. you know as much as me, he's a little insane."

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