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★━━─ ・‥...━━━☆

"this is worth it?"

the stranger furrowed his eyebrows slightly at the question that fell from the young girl's lips. she was completely bare, only being covered by the sheets of the motel's rough sheets.

lydia sat up, leaning onto her elbows when no answer came from him. the man stood to his feet, pulling his boxers and jeans back on. "i mean, meeting young girls in motels. sleeping with them despite having a family at home waiting for you. is it worth it?"

"i could ask you the same thing, sweetheart." the stranger threw his shirt on over his torso next. lydia pressed her head back against the pillows, pulling the sheets to her chin. "you could have anyone you wanted, but you're here. in this shit motel. sleeping with a man twice your age. i doubt your father knows where you are. is it worth it?"

"my father doesn't care." lydia threw the sheets off herself after that, throwing her feet over the edge of the bed. "you want a hit?"

asher, the stranger lydia had decided to meet with that night, took a seat on the edge of the motel bed. he watched as she pulled a blunt and a lighter from her jeans before she began to light it.

"i don't share with just anyone. feel special." lydia eyes crinkled as she smiled brightly, passing the blunt after she took a few hits.

"thanks." asher nodded with his own smile, taking his own drags from the blunt. "we should do this again, you know?"

"for sure." lydia nodded as well, staring at the wall opposite of the two as she found herself falling into a black hole of thoughts. "you're a good lay, if i'm to be honest."

"best compliment i could receive from a girl like you." asher finally passed the blunt back to her after she has nudged his arm. he could see the confusion etched on her pretty features.

"what's that supposed to mean? girl like you?" lydia mocked, almost dropping the blunt when she made air quotations with her hands.

"you don't look too easy to impress." asher smirked, putting a hand on the girl's thigh. "but, not to cut this short—"

"you have a family to get home to." lydia let the blunt sit between her lips. "it's okay. go. my brother's picking me up around the corner in a little while anyways."

lydia felt asher press a kiss to the side of her face. he was a gentle man, something that wasn't normal to get on the sites she'd met the random men on. usually, they were rough. leaving bruises on her hips and anywhere else they decided to grab onto her while they slept together. lydia didn't mind the bruises or the marks they left behind, as long as they were in places that could be covered easily.

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