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"and you could keep praying, but nobody's safe from the end

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"and you could keep praying,
but nobody's safe from the end.
not you, not me, not anyone."

★━━─ ・‥...━━━☆

"lyds, what're you doing here?"

a sniffled laugh was heard from the girl in question, but words failed to be conjured into sentences. lydia wasn't sure if she'd be capable of explaining it even if she could find the words to do so.

yet instead of pressing the topic further, kat was stepping into the porch and her arms were wrapped around her shaking friend. "come on."

★━━─ ・‥...━━━☆

"was it nate?"

lydia laid sprawled across kat's bedroom floor, the latter upon her mattress with her eyes peaking over the edge. lydia's head rolled against the floor in order to meet her gaze. it was all kat needed for confirmation.

"i'm sorry, lydia, for being so distant."

"you've got nothing to apologize for, kitty kat. literally nothing. you're trying to be who you are, and i think that's all that's ever mattered." lydia sat up with ease despite the sore arms she carried. the comments hinted towards the last moment they'd shared with each other at the howard family's kitchen table. "you're admirable."

kat's features flushed ever so slightly as a smile graced her lips, but it wasn't because there was a romantic undertone— it was because no one ever took the time to compliment her outside of the creeps online spending thousands to be humiliated. "if that was to be said about anyone, it'd be you."

lydia felt any form of comfort disperse within her hands as soon as she was capable of grasping it. "you don't know me, kat, not really."

there was a fleeting silence as kat attempted to piece her words together correctly. she knew lydia was partly right, for the distance that'd been wedging itself between the group of girl-friends escalated with every passing day. something no one could deny after the altercation in the howard's dining room. "i know you're brave."

"and you're probably the only person who thinks so."

are you busy?

what is it

can i call you?


"i'm gonna get this real quick, okay?"

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