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★━━─ ・‥...━━━☆

"i've been selling this stuff since i was just a kid. helping to do deals for my dad, especially after he got sick. it was quick cash, but i never felt the need to use. not until—"

"shh," lydia pressed her fingertips against his lips. she was standing between his thighs as he sat on the edge of his bed. "it's okay."

jackson's hands found the back of her thighs, his forehead pressed against her stomach as her hands found their way around his head. her fingers threaded through his hair as the tears brimmed the boy's eyes.

"i carry your pain with me, lyds." jackson's voice came out below a whisper. "and i hate it. i hate feeling like i have something to lose."

"you won't lose me." lydia countered without hesitation, her heart clenching in response to his words. "i'm right here."

jackson knew better than to believe her words. he knew he lost her the second her family forced her into losing their baby to refrain from forsaking their reputation in the small town. lydia had always said she felt like a doll in their show for the ones around them, and jackson always knew it'd be the reason behind her downfall.

"but we can make it better. just for a moment." jackson pulled out a baggy of powder from his pocket, his eyes never once faltering from lydia's as he searched for her reaction.

lydia closed her eyes for a moment, leaning down to press a kiss against jackson's forehead to prepare herself for her first taste of the drugs she'd watched him sell. "okay."

★━━─ ・‥...━━━☆

"wake up."

fez was seated on the edge of his bed, his hand holding onto her cold one as he pressed multiple kisses against her knuckles. it'd been hours since she'd fell unconscious and the entire ordeal had fez thinking back to the night his dealer had given her fentanyl.

rue was at the bottom of the bed, her eyes intact on lydia's sleeping frame with worry contorted upon her features. ashtray's shoulder was leaned against the door frame of fez's bedroom, his own look of worry forming the longer his eyes trailed over the jacobs girl.

"everything stops," lydia's voice cracked as her eyes flickered open for only a second, everyone in the room catching the act. "and nothing hurts. i'm sorry. i'm so sorry."

no one in the room could decipher who lydia was apologizing too. sorry's tumbled from the girl's lips until whimpered out sobs took their place. the sight of lydia near hysterical caused everyone in the room to ache along with her.

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