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★━━─ ・‥...━━━☆

"that was—" asher breathed out, rolling off of the jacobs girl to lay beside her instead. "amazing."

lydia stared up at the ceiling, seemingly emotionless. it'd been a few weeks since the incident at fez's. she'd avoided everyone, even the howard sisters. lydia knew she was hurting them, but she couldn't bother with trying to keep her facade perfectly intact lately.

the motel slowly became the place she spent most of her time. stranger after stranger would come to spend a few hours with her and she enjoyed it. it gave her a distraction, plus, she didn't have to seem okay. the men didn't care and it was something she appreciated.

"i've got to say, i've missed this." asher watched her intently as she leaned over the edge of the bed to grab the blunt from her discarded clothes on the ground. "i was shocked when you contacted me again."

"i told you i would." lydia let out a breathless laugh, passing the blunt to the man after she took a few hits.

asher let out a hum, letting a blanket of silence fall over the two. lydia let her fingers trace over the slight bruises on her hips that hadn't left in the few weeks, for every man only added to it.

the sound of her phone going off was what interrupted the silence between herself and the man. lydia took a hold of her phone that recited on the nightstand.

i'm worried about you lyds. i know we've like drifted since mckay, but i'm still here and so is lexi. so is mom. we're all worried about you. it's not middle school anymore. you don't have to be alone.

lydia felt the tears brim her eyes subconsciously, her vision blurring despite her attempts at keeping the tears at bay. "i, uh—"

"what is it?" asher chirped, sitting up slightly. lydia closed her eyes tightly when her phone went off once again.

whenever you're done pushing us away, we'll still be here. i'll still be here. whenever you're ready to accept it.

"i have to go." lydia spoke, throwing her legs over the edge of the bed. "i'm sorry— this was great, but—"

"it's okay." asher took notice to the heavy breathing that was beginning to come from the girl. "go. it's okay."

★━━─ ・‥...━━━☆

lydia knew it was just shy of 3 am as she started on her walk to the howard's household. she hadn't planned on going to see the girl, but a part of her knew she had to. whether it was for her own peace of mind or for cassie's, she didn't know.

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