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★━━─ ・‥...━━━☆

"so, this your little bitch?"

"nah, that's like my little sister." fez replied cooly as mouse made his way in front of rue before he did the same with lydia.

"and this one?" mouse quirked an eyebrow, glancing back towards fez who had his fist clenched. the man let out a chuckle as he went to his knee, putting his hand out towards the jacobs girl. "it's a pleasure to meet you—"

"lydia." she said shortly, taking her hand from his quickly after he went to press a kiss to it.

"i see the pleasure is all mine, hmm?" mouse tilted his head as he studied the young girl. "my name is mouse."

lydia let out the breath she hadn't realized she was holding once he was out of her line of vision. she tuned out the conversation, trying to keep her breathing steady as she kept her eyes intact on fez. lydia would never admit it out loud, but the rush of fear that had hit her made her feel alive. quite like the drugs, only she was completely sober.

lydia felt mouse take the spot in between herself and rue. his hand trailed over her thigh, coming too close for comfort.

"what about you, princess?" mouse lips were just inches from lydia's ear. his voice was low, but loud enough for fez to hear. "you want some fentanyl?"

lydia couldn't help the pinch of familiarity that came along with being called princess once again. her father hadn't used it since she was in middle school. before their relationship shattered in front of her eyes.

ashtray's eyes were on fez, the worry in his eyes gleaming the closer mouse got to the jacobs girl. fez clenched his fist, growing more frustrated by the minute.

"nah, they both good." fez was on edge and it was visible to lydia. she knew she would've been better off taking the ride from nate. she knew she would've been better off declining the offer for a ride from the bennett.

"you gon' let him talk for you, lydia?" mouse pushed the damp hair that framed her face behind her ear. "don't look at him. look at me. you ever try it?"

"yo, for real, bro. i don't want her fuckin' with that shit." fez felt the anger ignite itself the longer he watched mouse put his hands on lydia while rue felt the guilt ignite itself at the possibilities of how the night could end started flooding her mind.

"you know that feeling where you cum so hard that you can't feel or hear shit?" mouse ignored fez's words as he let his thumb trace over the inside of lydia's thigh. "you like that feeling? be honest with me. do you want it?"

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