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★━━─ ・‥...━━━☆

"my beautiful angel!"

"lyds, hey." lexi was nearly knocked off her feet when lydia rushed into her grasp, the later almost unrecognizable with the black wig upon her head. "are you okay?"

"better now that i'm with you." lydia leaned forward in order to utter her words in lexi's ear. her breath was warm from the alcohol she'd consumed and it brought goosebumps to lexi's skin. "bob ross, huh?"

a bright smile was conjured to lexi howard's lips in response to lydia's words. "finally, someone cultured!"

"i love your brain, you know that?" lydia's hand came to the back of lexi's neck as her tone fell laced with sincerity. a gentle kiss was being pressed against lexi's temple. "i believe you outdid yourself this year, lex."

"me?" lexi's voice peaked in order to be heard over the music. the howard girl studied the aspects to lydia's costume of mia wallace. "you truly look so beautiful."

lydia stared towards the girl deemed her best friend since the very beginning of high school. it was a genuine relationship, one that brought a sense of comfort no one else had ever given. it was the only relationship of lydia's not tainted by her family's curse.

the girls fell into their own world as they danced in one another's arms. rings of laughs would tumble from the best friends, and unbeknownst to either, nate jacobs remained across the party with his gaze intently studying the two.

only a fool would've been able to miss the pure joy etched across lydia's expression. it was a sight nate could only catch peering at his little sister with others. it was a face he hadn't been at the receiving end of in years.

and in response to the sudden emotions to fall upon his chest, the jacobs boy impulsively tossed his cup across the room before leaving abruptly with maddy perez hot on his tail.

★━━─ ・‥...━━━☆

"thought you'd traded me out for the night with your girl."

lydia's back leaned against the counter within the kitchen as fez's hand held his body upright. his gaze studied her features as if he was attempting to bury the image within his mind.

"no," lydia was shaking her head as her own eye turned to trail over the peers occupying the home. "rue needs her more than i."

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