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★━━─ ・‥...━━━☆

lydia recited in front of her vanity, applying the expensive makeup. she used the concealer to cover the dark circles under her eyes as best she could. nate was waiting on her downstairs, so she just slid on the nearest pair of shoes she could grab.

the jacobs girl rushed down the stairs, almost knocking into her mother as she reached the end. martha let out a light chuckle at the incident.

"where're you running off to?" martha question with the slightest slur. lydia, being cursed with noticing every detail, took notice to the slurring as soon as it fell from her lips.

"going with nate." lydia nodded, stepping around her mother when nate came into view.

"okay, be careful." martha smiled softly to her children. lydia returned the gesture as best she could before she followed in toe with her brother.

"i gotta pick up mckay." nate informed the girl as they passed through the suburban neighborhood.

"okay." lydia said shortly, leaning back in the passenger seat. no words were exchanged between the siblings for the rest of the car ride.

mckay hopped into the backseat behind lydia, dabbing up nate as they greeted one another. "aye, little jacobs."

lydia rolled her eyes at the familiar nickname that came from the boy. mckay ruffled the girl's hair slightly, feeling lydia shoved his hand away playfully. "shut up, christopher."

nate felt the slightest smile tug at his lips at the interaction between the two. if nate did show he cared for anyone, it was always for the two in the car with him now. maddy, whenever the two weren't on bad terms, was included. but for the most part, lydia and mckay were the only ones who mattered to him.

"so, what errands do you have to run?" lydia shuffled in her seat slightly, getting comfortable as nate started down the street once again.

"gotta pick up the keg for mckay's party tonight." nate glanced to his best friend for a second with a smirk. "you want anything while i'm there?"

lydia felt a sigh slip past her lips. the girl knew exactly where nate was speaking of. there was only one person in town her brother could've gotten a keg from so quickly.

lydia jacobs hadn't been to fez's since i relapsed. maybe it was that sudden realization of just how fucking scary the shit we were messing around with was or maybe it was something else. all i was sure about then was that she was running from something— or someone.

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