A Weak-Minded Lullaby

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He awoke to a world of white. Or, rather, was there just a lack of color? The man sat up and clutched the back of his head which was throbbing. Looking down, he saw he was dressed in his usual Griffin & Kryuger Commander's uniform, though he was missing his hat. As he tried to stand up, a dull pain shot up through his right leg causing him to falter. "Блядь (Fuck)," he cursed and moved to try and stand again while making sure not to move his right leg too much. He wasn't even thirty yet, but he already had a bad leg. Though, the reason for that...

"Hello, Commander." An unknown voice broke through the silent void causing the man to spin around. Standing a few feet away from him, there was a tall woman with long, pure white hair that currently was covering her face. She was wearing a black robe which made her stand out against the white void. "Feeling better?"

"...?" The man tried to speak but now found his voice not working. It was as if his voice refused to speak to this woman.

"Hmm, not yet, perhaps?" The woman stayed where she was as she spoke. "Although, time isn't an endless gift either of us can afford so we'll have to speed things up a bit." The robe she wore parted partially allowing a pale arm to emerge and point at the man. A low, dull noise started making itself known as it slowly ramped up in volume to eventually become a deafening wail. The man covered his ears as the noise was making him lose focus on the world around him. Yet, even with the intense noise and the world spinning, the woman's voice still found its way into his ears though he could not make out her words. There was only darkness.


"Oi, Zeldri, wake up!" Zeldri's eyes snapped open as he felt someone shaking him awake. Looking up, he was met with the face of a rather gruff-looking man in his mid-twenties. "Had a nice nap?"

"How could I when you keep shaking me like some faulty computer, Peter." Zeldri shoved Peter away causing the man to fall back into his seat and a hushed chuckle escaped from the rest of the people around them. Zeldri was currently sitting in the back of a KamAZ-63968 Typhoon personnel carrier driving down a dirt road through a forest.

"Can't let you get too comfortable, Старшина́ (Sergeant Major)," Peter retorted as he readjusted himself back into a comfortable position, "Doesn't look good to the men if you start getting too relaxed while on duty."

"Really?" Zeldri rolled his shoulders to help wake up. "I didn't realize your squad was so undisciplined, Мла́дший сержа́нт (Corporal)." The soft chuckling in the vehicle stopped. "Maybe, when we get back, you and your squad can help clean this Kamaz?" A sly grin overtook his face as he continued, "We got a fresh batch of toothbrushes ready to go."

"пожалейте меня, сэр (Have mercy, sir)," Peter said while giving puppy dog eyes, "Think of the poor toothbrushes!" Both men gave a hearty laugh which instantly lightened the mood in the transport. "Haha... Ugh, don't get me wrong, though, I get the boredom when it comes to missions like this." Peter's head fell back against the headrest as he gave a tired sigh.

"Someone's got to do it, might as well be us so it's done right," Zeldri said as he grabbed his radio. "Дворник (Janitor)-32, how're we looking?"

"This is Дворник-32," the radio crackled, "We're about to clear the woods. We have a visual on the AO."

"Roger, Дворник-32. Once we're clear, have Дворник-21 dismount and continue on foot."

"Confirmed, Дворник-11." Zeldri re-hooked his radio to his vest and cracked his neck one last time before addressing the people in the truck.

"Alright, Дворник-22, you're with me on dismount. Дворник-23, remain in the Kamaz."

"Да сэр (Yes, sir)," resounded through the truck.

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