A Heart That Doesn't Beat

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"Medics on standby!" Annika barked the order as she tapped away at the commander's tablet she was using to organize everything for Zeldri's return. Valeriya and a few a-dolls were with her as they made their way into sub-level four. "They should be pulling in any minute. Valeriya, prioritize-"

"Clear tracks! I repeat, clear tracks! Train entering station!"

Tsaritsa's voice boomed over the station's speakers as the ground began to rumble. The Mountain's train slowly exited the tunnel and pulled into one of the platforms. Fireteam Revenant's Ural truck was strapped onto one of the flatbeds with them standing by waiting to get off.

"Let's move!" Annika turned to Valeriya and the a-dolls before running to the train. Revenant got off first while Dream Eater exited the command car. Though, Annika didn't see Zeldri. "A-545, where's the Commander?!"

"..." A-545 had an annoyed look on her face as she turned back to the command car awaiting their other passenger.

"!?!" Annika's mouth went slightly agape as the Nyto stepped out of the command car while holding Zeldri's unconscious body. She looked to A-545 for an explanation, but the t-doll only shook her head and gave a shrug.

"The Commander said to let them be and trust them," she explained while glaring at the Nyto.

"..." The Nyto remained silent. It seemed that whatever shock they were under before had subsided as they now moved with purpose without getting distracted. They leaped off the train car and awkwardly hovered to the ground with their repulsors. Using their legs was still taking some getting used to. But, they paid it no mind and quickly went over to Valeriya.

"Commander!?" Annika and Valeriya both gasped when they saw Zeldri's condition. Valeriya quickly recomposed herself and gestured for the Nyto to follow her, "This way, to the med-bay!"

"..." The Nyto gave a nod and quickly followed Valeriya out of sub-level four. Zeldri's breathing was getting shallower.


"Clear runway! I repeat, clear runway!"

Tsaritsa's voice echoed over the loudspeakers of the hangar as Scarecrow's gunships returned and landed in their respective bays. Now, not only Sangvis dolls but also Griffin a-dolls and t-dolls assisted in rearming and refueling the gunships as the hangar had become a much more lively place in the Mountain. While there was still no human staff, some of the dolls had decided to try and break the ice with the Sangvis units to mixed success.

"We need more heavy plasma over here!" The dolls failed to make proper conversations with the Sangvis units, but that didn't stop a kind of bond from forming. While stoic and silent, the Sangvis dolls listened to and followed the Griffin dolls while in the hangar. Some of the more independent units, like the Jaegers and Guards, could also be seen wandering the garage and outer lot. At first, this scared the staff, but their fears were being alleviated by having a t-doll always with the Sangvis units that did this. There was also a rivalry forming as the Jaegers started taking part in the firing drill exercises and took some top score spots.

"Wow, look at you playing house," Alchemist mused from her place slung over Scarecrow's shoulder.

"It was annoying having Griffin's dolls come to me for every little thing," Scarecrow explained as she stepped off the gunship and activated her repulsors. "I lessened the restraining modules on the units to allow more autonomy. That made the Griffin dolls start going to them instead of me which lets me enjoy some peace and quiet."

"How considerate of you."

"...Peace and quiet I'm sure you will never let me experience, again." Scarecrow gave an annoyed sigh as she hovered her way through the hangar toward the stairwell. "I've already given the OGAS here your schematics, so I'll be dumping you off at the repair bay. Don't cause trouble, or else they'll complain to me about it."

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