To Grant 90 Wishes

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"We need tankers! Tankers! North side!"

"There's boilers in the basement! Get them contained!"

"Residents are still on the upper floors, where are the dolls?!"

"..." I still remember the last job of my old life. It was the dead of night when the alarms rang throughout the station waking the humans and activating the standby status of us dolls. We were already loaded into the truck, so all we could do was wait for the human firefighters as the radio gave updates.

"Thirty story complex. Most tenants are out." I was stationed closest to the crew cab which allowed me to hear them talking as we wove through the city's streets. "Fire started on the seventeenth floor trapping some of the slower residents upstairs."

"I'll send the dolls up when we get there." The ride was tense as the radio continued to give deteriorating updates until we arrived.

"This is engine 16; on-scene."

"Let's go, dolls!" With the verbal command given, and doors opened, we a-dolls fully came online and exited the truck into the chaos. Trucks and men surrounded the building as they desperately tried to fight back the flames that burst out the windows. Police were also on the scene along with men from the FSB. Looking up, I couldn't even see the top of the building with how much smoke clogged the sky.

"Get those Cordelia dolls moving!" The head of the fire station beat us there and was beginning his coordination efforts. Since we dolls were kept in the trucks with our gear, we were ready to move at a moment's notice. The tanks on our backs were filled with foam that were attached to hoses and nozzles we could use to clear paths. And, while we were just dolls, we were in full uniform like the human personnel as the intense heat could still mess with our electronics. "I want them inside and evacuating the upper floors!"

"Yes, sir!" we spoke in unison. While many dolls needed handlers or advisors physically with them when working with the public, those in the Ministry of Emergency Situations were given more autonomy as even a second delay in judgment could be the difference in saving a life.

"Цунами-1 (Tsunami), entering the building," I reported to command over my integrated radio as I led the other dolls into the building. Despite the fire starting on the seventeenth floor, there was noticeable damage to the lower floors. Too much damage.

"I see it," the voice of our handler came into my head. He was back in the truck monitoring our status through the cameras in our eyes. He noticed what I had been staring at. "We don't know the full extent of the damage, and the call didn't give us a cause. There are also those guys from the bureau, so move as quickly as possible."

"Yes, sir!" I turned to the five dolls that were following me as we reached the stairwell. "Цунами-2 and 3, start fighting any fires that threaten the stairs. Цунами-4 and 5, clear the odd-numbered floors while 6 and I work on the even-numbered."

"Roger!" We raced up the stairs to designated floors and got to work. The lower floors were clear, so we began our sweep with the eighteenth floor. We found nothing up until the twenty-sixth floor. Цунами-6 and I were clearing rooms when our audio sensors picked it up.

"...Помоги...мне...(Help me)" It was faint. A whimper on the verge of being snuffed out.

"Move!" We didn't even look at each other before Цунами-6 took out her axe and broke down the door into the room. Smoke poured out of the unit, but we rushed inside. "Hello! Can you hear me!?" I called out to the smoke hoping for an answer. There wasn't a response, but some movement caught my eye.

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