Working it Out

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"...Wake up, Commander, you're screaming again."





"-failure won't be forgiven!"

"!!!" Zeldri quickly brought up his forearm crutch to deflect Jericho's strike. Their crutches clashed and Jericho held the pressure to start pushing Zeldri back.

"I've got two chocolate bars on Jericho," MDR chuckled as she watched from the sideline while glancing at her phone.

"I'll raise you three on the Commander," AA-12 lazily replied from her seat. Currently, they were in one of the warehouses that occupied sub-level three of the Mountain which had been turned into a make-shift gym. Jericho, MDR, and AA-12 were the only dolls since only humans needed to use a gym. There were only a handful of people around during this otherwise lazy Wednesday which suited Zeldri as he underwent his training with Jericho on using his forearm crutch as a weapon for close-quarter combat.

"Geh!" Zeldri's leg was pounding with pain and his workout clothes were drenched in sweat as Jericho hadn't given him a moment's rest since they started.

"Compensate!" Jericho chastised. She broke off the clash and launched a flurry of strikes against Zeldri's chest. While some might think Jericho was being overly cruel, this was actually what Zeldri wanted from her. He needed to know everything he could and couldn't do with his bad leg and the best way to do that was by pushing himself to the limit. Fighting a t-doll also doubled as an excellent workout routine which allowed Zeldri to keep his strength and stamina from his days as a soldier. "If all you do is defend, then you're nothing more than a man waiting to die!"

"I know!" Zeldri deflected a blow and drew his Makarov.

"!!!" Jericho drew her own gun while moving to evade Zeldri's first shot. This was also one of Zeldri's requirements for their training; using their guns. While Jericho had, through much effort, convinced Zeldri to have them both use blanks it didn't completely eliminate the possibility of a deadly accident. Despite advancements made to blank rounds to be even safer than before for the entertainment industry, being at such close distance too rapidly expanding gases could still be lethal. Not for a t-doll, obviously, but Jericho still had to check herself as her opponent was a human. She also needed to act like Zeldri's gun had live rounds in it to make for a more realistic fight.

"Oooh~, the fun part!" MDR had a big smile on her face as she recorded the fight with her phone. Jericho and Zeldri continued to trade blows and take pot shots at each other to throw the other off balance.

"Is this your everything?" Jericho went for a finishing strike and batted Zeldri's Makarov out of his hand. But, that was what Zeldri was waiting for and intentionally released the pistol so his hand was free to grab Jericho's crutch. "Eh!?!" Zeldri yanked her towards him, let go of her crutch, and wrapped his left arm around her right arm. Jericho quickly went to bring up her gun to Zeldri for a finishing shot but stopped as she soon found the world spinning as Zeldri used his own forearm crutch to weave between her legs and lifted her up into the air.

"!!!" A sharp pain erupted from Zeldri's leg as he supported the weight of a t-doll over his head. Quickly adjusting with his good leg, he spun and slammed Jericho onto the floor. Zeldri went down with her with his good knee coming up to land on her back and pin her. He grabbed his Makarov which he made sure would land next to him and placed the gun to Jericho's head.

"...Well done, Commander," Jericho said with a smile as she looked up at him over her shoulder.

"Don't underestimate me...just because I'm a human." Now that the fight was over, Zeldri could start controlling his breathing. His lungs were on fire as they were desperate for air while his heart did its best to keep up with his body's demands. On shaky legs, Zeldri stood up, holstered his pistol, and offered a hand to Jericho.

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