Picking Up the Pieces

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 "W-Wait... Pleas-!" The soldier's cries fell on deaf ears as Nagant Revolver executed him. She watched his body lifelessly collapse to the pavement as she held a neutral expression on her face. Cracks of gunfire occasionally disturbed the otherwise quiet outer lot as the t-dolls searched for and subsequently killed any surviving KCCO members. Zeldri hadn't ordered them to execute survivors, but he also wasn't ordering them not to. This was something the t-dolls themselves decided upon. Nagant took a moment to look down at herself. Her normally pristine, white uniform was splattered with specks of bright red blood.

"..." And, yet, she wasn't bothered in the least. At one point, Nagant would have cared immensely about being splattered with human blood; she would have been terrified. Now? She was executing humans with her fellow t-dolls and felt nothing but satisfaction from the act. "...Guess there's no going back for us."

"Don't push yourself too much, Nagant." StG44 walked over to her teammate with a concerned expression on her face.

"..." A concerned expression that didn't match her blood-stained boots. "I'm fine. It will take more than this to break this old soldier of the Empire." She tried to deflect the worry with a joke, "If anything, I'm more worried about my coat staining. My clothes had better not turn pink after going through the wash!"

"I'll make sure to ask that they use bleach when this is over." StG44 smiled as it seemed Nagant's digimind was doing fine. She was keeping an extra sharp eye on her teammates ever since Thunder broke. PP-90, XM8, Sten MkII, and M590 had already been retreated by Annika to prevent dangerous levels of digimind degradation so it weighed on her mind as she watched Nagant's nonchalant expressions. "In any case, just be careful. I don't want anything to happen to any of our digimi-"

"Uuugh." A groan came from nearby.

"..." Nagant and StG44 followed the source of the groan to find a KCCO soldier trying to get up as he'd been thrown off his feet by the explosions of the gunship's rockets. Neither t-doll hesitated as Nagant walked over and took off the soldier's helmet followed by StG44 who pressed her rifle against the back of the man's head and executed him.


"..." Thunder sat on the ground leaning against the road wheels of the T-14's tracks with her head hung low. Her pistol clicked in her hands as she idly pulled the trigger over and over again. With every click, her digimind replayed the scene of the soldiers who turned into a red mist as she direct impacted them with the tank's main gun. Her eyes were locked to the floor unblinking.

"...Thunder?" PPS-43 tried to stir her teammate from her stupor, but Thunder didn't respond. PPS-43 looked worriedly at MP-448, but her echelon leader also looked lost on how to help their teammate. "Thun-"

"There you are!" a new voice cried out.

"!?!" PPS-43 and MP-448 both turned in surprise as a t-doll stormed up to the group and approached Thunder. A Calico M950 hung from the t-doll's hip.

"..." Thunder continued to stare at the ground seeming to not notice Calico's approach.

"Oi." This only seemed to annoy Calico who leaned down and snapped her fingers in Thunder's face. "There's no time for dozing off. We have work to do."

"...?" Thunder stirred and followed the snapping fingers to look up at Calico. "...Work?"

"That's right," Calico declared as she stood straight up. "Before the Commander left, he assigned me to help rehab you. So, get up!"

"The Commander did?" Thunder refocused her mind on the present as she thought for a few moments. "But... The Commander left for the lot a while ago." While she was in her stupor, Zeldri had briefly checked on her before he went to the outer lot to deal with Peter.

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