Secret Crashers

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"Someone get that fire out!"

"We have injured over here! Medic!"

"They're breaking in!"

"...Ugh." Helian tried to focus, but her vision was blurred and the world wouldn't stop spinning. The last thing she remembered was talking to Zeldri before an explosion rocked the room and knocked her off her feet.

"You alright?"

"Huh?" After a few seconds, Helian was able to stop the world from spinning and looked up to see Zeldri kneeling over her with a pained expression on his face. "Z-...Zeldri?!" Zeldri was currently holding a rack of rifles that fell over and was stopping it from crushing her. It was still full which made it extra heavy.

"Can you mo-!" Zeldri tried checking on her again but stopped when Helian suddenly reached up, grabbed his Makarov from his holster, and leveled the gun past Zeldri's head. With her free hand, she covered Zeldri's ear so the shots wouldn't completely deafen him. "!!!" Glancing over his shoulder revealed the falling corpse of a Vespid that had tried to enter the room which Helian quickly dispatched. Looking back at the woman beneath him, Helian held a dangerous look in her eyes as she glared at the Sangvis corpse.

"Zeldri! Mrs. Helian!" Sara and Anto rushed over and helped lift the arsenal rack off Zeldri's back. "Holy fuck! This is heavy!" With their combined strength, the three commanders were able to lift the rack up where it rocked back into place.

"Thanks," Zeldri breathed a sigh of relief. Now, both his leg and back hurt. Though at least he wasn't unconscious so he figured that was a plus. "Now-"

"Samuel, fight fires! Kelly, secure the room with your team!" Helian wasted no time in getting the panicked commanders under control as soon as she stood up. She handed Zeldri his gun back before moving to the various groups of people to get a status report.

"No rest for the wicked," Zeldri sarcastically stated as he cracked his back to relieve some of the soreness.

"If you wanted an easy life, this is the wrong line of work."

"!?" The three commanders spun around at the new voice that approached them, one they all knew.

"Mr. Kryuger!?" Anto gave a salute as Kryuger approached them.

"Sara, Anto, assist Zeldri here in securing our perimeter." While Kryuger kept his voice under control, a wave of obvious anger bled through. He was none too pleased about having his secret base being ambushed.

"Yes, sir!" Sara and Anto spoke in unison and gave a salute.

"Get our front gate secured so no more can pour into the facility." Kryuger addressed Zeldri and gave a nod to his still functional commander's tablet.

"We'll see it done," Zeldri gave a salute before turning to leave. "Let's go."

"..." Kryuger watched the three commanders leave before taking a moment to observe his surroundings. Helian had restored order to the various commanders and was mounting a defense with those who had dolls. Those commanders who didn't have dolls under their command worked to provide temporary first-aid to anyone that was injured. The all too familiar smell of burning metal and cracks of gunfire echoed around him through the base. It had been a long time since he'd personally felt like picking up his gun to fight. "Hmm." He hummed to himself before walking over and kneeling down next to someone who was lying unconscious on the floor. Taking out his spare side-arm, he softly poked their shoulder to get a rise from them. "Enough sleep, rookie."


"You're in luck," Kryuger motioned to a rifle lying next to the person, "Only a rifle fell on you, not the entire arsenal. The name's Kryuger. Executive Officer of Griffin." While he didn't crack a smile, his tone became a bit jokey as he added, "I'm sure you've seen this face on our newsletters so often you must be sick of it. Can you still fight?" He offered the side-arm to the person. "We've been ambushed, Commander. Ensure your own safety first. Then mount a resistance to fight off Sangvis' advancement and make sure reinforcements are in position."

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