Wake-Up Call

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"...The fuck?" Alchemist silently cussed to herself as she looked around the room she found herself in. She'd only intended to go back to before the city ambush to give herself some time to come up with a new plan. But, from what she knew, Zeldri hadn't lived with his parents since he joined the military. The bed was also way too small for Zeldri's height. "Just how far...!?" Alchemist scanned the room before looking down only to find Zeldri wasn't lying next to her. He wasn't even in the room with her.

"Remember to watch carefully, son." A voice came from beyond the closed bedroom door that Alchemist recognized as Zeldri's father, Artyom. She walked over a phased through the door to find herself in the living room along with a sixteen-year-old Zeldri. Though, she was immediately confused as this looked more like an interrogation than a tender family moment. Zeldri sat in a chair in the middle of the living room facing a TV that was playing static. Artyom was standing behind Zeldri with his hands resting on Zeldri's shoulders to keep him facing the TV. Aside from the reflection of the static, Zeldri's eyes held no sign of life. Something moved within the static.

"...?" Was there something she wasn't able to see hidden in the static?

"Our world," Artyom began, "has become a terrible place. We are no longer in the days where the enemy is on the other end of our rifles. Now, the enemy hides behind screens. Sometimes, they even pretend to be an ally. They will no longer shoot you as there are fates worse than death they can offer. Never trust those you can't see, Zeldri."

"Okay." Zeldri continued to stare blankly ahead. Something moved within the static.

"They will attempt to fool you, but not in the conventional way. My work has taught me that the human mind is such a fragile thing; like a fortress with the gates left open. It's so easy to break someone's mind. Close the gates, Zeldri. Close the gates and man the walls with guards who will never falter. Do this, and your mind will forever be yours. Did you get all that?"

"Yes, Dad."

"..." Alchemist was growing uneasy watching this. Despite never mentioning her, or even acknowledging her existence, Alchemist felt in her gut that Artyom was talking about her. She tried to look away, but her eyes were fixated with the TV. The static was...mesmerizing?

"As always, security is only as good as you make it, and secrecy is the key to the lock. Remember, this conversation stays between us since your mother doesn't like when I do this... She's already threatened divorce after she caught us last year. But...I feel this is important if you want to join the military while the world heads in this new direction. So, while we train your body to handle this, you must create a guard for your mind." Alchemist noticed a strange vial in Artyom's pocket. "They will try and get you to open your mind yourself, so make someone else hold the key to your fortress."

"But, why would I do that?" Zeldri's voice was monotone; both coherent and asleep.

"It's easy to trick the conscious mind to do something. The guard must live in your subconscious. And, just in case, you must fear it, Zeldri. This is the most important part."

"Fear?" The static distorted, again. Alchemist swore she saw a humanoid shape within the static.

"Yes, fear. You won't take the key if you fear the guard. Mine's my boss. But that won't work for you; it must be personal."

"...Personal?" Alchemist muttered to herself as understanding started to dawn on her. The world stuttered.

"You must fear it like no other. It must be something that even the nightmares will run from." Heavy footsteps approached the front door to the house. "No nightmare will take from them. No dream will steal from them. You must make..."

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