Threats Over Dinner

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Tsaritsa and the black-cloaked woman entered the halls of the Mountain to find the bunker falling apart. Cracks snaked their way along the walls and ceiling with some sections completely collapsing. The sound of groaning earth, shattering concrete, and exploding glass echoed around them as they quickly wove through the halls towards Zeldri's office. They didn't meet or hear another soul as they advanced. When they reached the door to Zeldri's office, the black-cloaked woman didn't bother trying to open it. Instead, she blasted the door; melting it with her plasma. "Knock-kno-!" As she tried to enter the room, bullets started pouring out of the doorway as MDR, AR-57, and UMP40 opened fire. Mondragon and A-545 remained stationary standing next to AA-12 who was still comforting the unconscious Zeldri in her lap. "Fuck!" she cursed and ducked behind the doorway.

"We need to hurry!" Tsaritsa yelled over the gunfire and collapsing bunker.

"I know!" the black-cloaked woman responded and re-primed her weapons. "How about this, pipsqueaks?!" Her weapons charged up and red lightning crackled out of the cooling vents of her weapons. With insane speed, the black-cloaked woman dove into the room and opened fire. Plasma tore through Dream Eater as they used their bodies to prioritize keeping AA-12 and Zeldri safe. "AHAHAHA! Not so tough when you have to use yourselves as shields!" She was very much enjoying gunning down Dream Eater for all the trouble they had caused her. The red lightning faded, and the black-cloaked woman stood triumphantly over the torn-apart bodies of MDR, AR-57, and UMP40 while Mondragon and A-545 collapsed to the floor behind the desk. "Now fo-!" Turning her attention to her objective, the black-cloaked woman was met with the barrel of a shotgun.

"Be quiet," AA-12 casually remarked as she unloaded point-blank into the black-cloaked woman's torso. When the gun clicked empty, AA-12 let it fall from her hand where it dissolved into smoke as it left her grasp. The black-cloaked woman fell to the floor clutching her body as she tried to hold her form together. "Was that your best bet?" she called out as Tsaritsa entered the room. Raising her hand, smoke swirled around and formed a fully loaded AA-12 shotgun.

"Not even close." As AA-12 fired, Tsaritsa snapped her fingers. The slug round stopped just before hitting Tsaritsa. With a flick of her wrist, the slug turned around and shot back at AA-12.

"Tch," AA-12 clicked her tongue in annoyance as her shield rig materialized and deflected the shot. She glanced down at the writhing black-cloaked woman and muttered, "To think you actually gave her privileges?"

"What can I say except: go fuck yourself," the black-cloaked woman spat.

"Hmm?" A movement to AA-12's left caught her eye. "Well, it doesn't matter."

"...!" Tsaritsa and the black-cloaked woman's eyes widened in shock as A-545 clawed her way to her feet despite having holes burned through her body.

"While your use of abilities caught me off-guard," AA-12 admitted with a tired sigh, "You are still outclassed. Nothing you do matters. Nothing you try matters. This isn't your world, it's min-!" With AA-12 distracted, and the world coming apart, the leash loosened just enough for the angered snake to strike.

"...What?" Tsaritsa was stunned as she watched A-545 grab one of her ice axes, spin around, and impale it into a horrified AA-12's head. The assault rifle t-doll threw all her weight into the strike which completely smashed AA-12's head in. Sparks and oil stained the chair and wall behind as A-545 ripped what remained of the head off the body and tossed it aside. She stumbled as she attempted to stay on her feet.

"...Hah!" the black-cloaked woman painfully laughed, "Damned snake isn't even loyal to her."

"..." Cautiously, Tsaritsa started to approach Zeldri's unconscious body while she kept an eye on A-545. "Shit!" But, said caution was thrown to the wind when A-545 turned towards Zeldri and raised the ice axe into the air.

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