Preparing for One's Fall

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Annika and two other staff members were the last to file into the conference room that Zeldri had summoned them all to. Those who knew why they were there were already nervous which started spreading to the others.

"Everyone's here?" Zeldri looked around the room and did a quick headcount. "Good, now we can begin." There was a large monitor behind Zeldri that he linked his tablet to and displayed the image StG44 had sent back. "About fifteen minutes ago, our t-doll team engaged and eliminated a Sangvis Ferri patrol that was searching the wreckage of a convoy. Upon further investigation, it was revealed that the Sangvis Ferri units were after physical copies of documents that some of you will likely recognize contain codes to this base."

"...!" The nervous atmosphere turned anxious as soft whispers started circulating amongst the staff.

"In response to this," Zeldri approached the large, rectangular table that sat in the middle of the room and tapped at his tablet. "We will be planning and implementing emergency procedures in case of a Sangvis Ferri breach." The top of the table lit up in a blue glow and a holographic display of the base was displayed floating in the air. "This model was constructed using the map data of our dolls as they scouted the base and will be used to designate muster stations for each level." He stopped and looked around the room. "Are there any questions or concerns before we continue?" Just blindly talking at them would only do so much and might not cover something that someone might find concerning. This was a delicate situation and Zeldri wanted to make sure he did things right.

"If I may, Commander?" A woman dressed in dirty overalls spoke up. "Can we not just change the door codes?"

"A valid point," Zeldri nodded to her, "Unfortunately, we are still missing the codes to allow us administrator access to the Mountain's systems. Changing the codes is, currently, not an option as we also haven't been able to hack into it, yet. Though, I've assigned a team to keep at it and immediately report to me when they've made headway."

"We need more t-dolls!" A man from the maintenance wing declared. "We staff only have small sidearms, at best, and our current main fighting echelon is out trying to deal with Sangvis in the field. We're practically defenseless if they were to come with codes in hand." While StG44's echelon weren't the only t-dolls on base, there wasn't a lot of them and they weren't organized into echelons.

"I agree with that sentiment," Zeldri said, "After this meeting, I'll be contacting I.O.P. about sending more dolls. We've accrued a decent amount of resources, so Annika and I will be taking care of that later." Zeldri glanced at Annika who returned his gaze with a confident nod. "Anything else?" He waited for a few seconds, but when no one spoke up he continued, "Very well. First and foremost, once we have more t-dolls, our first line of defense will be the primary tunnel on the main level. It's the only entrance into the base and will make an ideal chokepoint if we can get some light machinegun t-dolls. Dmitry, check the warehouse for any barricades or something we can use as an equivalent. I want to create a checkpoint at the exit of the main tunnel where it enters the garage so our t-dolls can entrench themselves."

"Yes, Commander!" Dmitry saluted and started furiously scrolling through his tablet.

"Should that fail, the first three sub-levels all have three entrances; the personnel stairwell, the main tunnel that snakes around connecting the sub-levels, and the freight elevator. Taking that into consideration, I've marked these areas as potential muster stations as they're furthest from these areas." Red blips appeared on the hologram of the base. The staff studied the locations and started making mental notes.

"Commander," the woman in dirty overalls spoke again, "Could I make a suggestion on sub-level two's station?"

"Go ahead."

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