Peers by Greed

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"This is your stop, little miss," the pilot of the Black Hawk called out to the t-doll that was dismounting. "Head over to the entrance and Jericho will point you to where you're needed."

"Thanks, Mr. Pilot!" the t-doll cheerfully replied with a wave as she began jogging away from the helicopter and towards the entrance to the Mountain. Despite her being sent on such short notice, she was excited to begin her duties at one of the hot topics of the Griffin forums. A broad smile filled her face as she passed multiple dolls and humans that were on outside guard duty. Many of them gave her a wave and friendly greeting which only made her smile all the more brighter. She would like this place. "Ah, Mrs. Jericho!"

"Hm?" Jericho was standing next to a Tigr looking over a tablet before she looked up to see the new t-doll approaching her. "The new recruit? Good." She glanced down at her tablet for a second before turning her attention back to the doll. "The Commander said you'll be working directly with our chief logistics officer, Annika. Get in, I'll take you to her along with giving you a brief tour of the base."

"Roger!" While Jericho could seem cold, the t-doll didn't mind and hopped in the Tigr. She had to make a good impression on her first day.


"Welcome, Commander Zeldri," Helian said as Zeldri and his echelon of t-dolls got off the Black Hawk. "Glad to see you're punctual despite how far you had to travel."

"The trip wasn't that bad," Zeldri replied as he and his team followed Helian off the helipad and into the secret base. "How long before the meeting officially starts?"

"We're still waiting for a few commanders to show up," Helian replied as she scrolled through the attendance list on her tablet. "So, you're actually a bit early. Mr. Kryuger is, also, still attending to some other business."

"I see." The base was bustling with activity as they wove their way through the halls. Eventually, Helian led them to a large room filled with terminals, display screens, and multiple people wearing Griffin & Kryuger commander's uniforms.

"Please feel free to mingle here while you wait."

"..." While Zeldri really wanted to tease Helian, there were too many people around and he didn't want to cross any lines. "Thank you, Mrs. Helian."

"Mmm." Helian gave a polite nod and left.

"Now then..." Zeldri took a deep breath to focus himself. His leg ached a bit, but it was manageable. Doing an initial scan of the room revealed that some of the commanders were huddled around some of the terminals and the screens were displaying t-dolls running combat drills. "Guess the dick waving's already begun."

"Will this be alright, Commander?" the leader of the echelon he brought, StG44, spoke up. "Wouldn't bringing Dream Eater have created more of an impact than us?"

"Hey, don't say that!" Nagant Revolver puffed out her chest with pride. "The commander chose us due to our superior skills to the novices."

"A-545 would break you like a twig if she heard that," AA-12 remarked. "If only you had more...assets to cushion the blows."

"MMM!!!" Nagant's face lit up red like a tomato, but she held her tongue to keep her dignity.

"Obviously," M2HB cooed while watching her teammates squabble, "We're here because of how lively you two are."

"I'm not lively with her!" both AA-12 and Nagant said simultaneously before shooting annoyed glares at each other.

"...A good atmosphere," Zeldri smiled to himself.

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