The Tsar Stands Eternal [Final]

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"The town of Ukhta was thrown into turmoil yesterday afternoon as what is being reported as a violent shaking accompanied by a loud explosion-"


"-with government officials put out a statement saying the 'explosion' was the echoes of a distant landslide caused by an earthquake that hit the northern coast-"


"-While no casualties are reported, the government is asking those in the previously mentioned affected regions of the earthquake to remain indoors in case of aftershocks."


The Blackhawk soared over the calm forest as it approached the Urals. Eyes from within the forest watched the Blackhawk as it passed above them and their whispers wove back to the Mountain. The clouds were minimal which allowed the sun to shine down upon the Mountain that loomed in the distance. It still put a bittersweet taste in Helian's mouth. Her hand idly touched the window of the Blackhawk's door as her eyes stared at the Mountain.

"Are we there yet!?" But, Helian's somber thoughts were interrupted as a young voice broke the silence.

"Sit down, Zena!" Helian quickly got out of her seat to grab her now seven-year-old daughter as they pressed their face against the window. "It's dangerous."

"But, I'm tough, like you," Zena proudly declared, though she didn't fight back against her mother buckling her back into her seat. Helian didn't respond and silently stroked Zena's shoulder-length brown hair off her ears and zipped up the young girl's red coat. Zena's orange eyes followed Helian's hands and she pulled her wool beanie down tighter on her head.

"You can run around as much as you want once we land," Helian reassured her daughter with a gentle smile on her face. Her eyes drifted to the seat next to Zena which was occupied by a suitcase. A twinge of sadness crossed her face that she quickly hid before returning to her seat.

"..." Zena pretended not to notice and did her best to put on a smile.

"Prepare for landing," the copilot called from the cockpit as the Blackhawk approached the Mountain's outer lot. However, calling it a lot would no longer do it any justice as it was practically a fully fortified military base. The chain link fence had been pushed further out to allow concrete walls to be erected around the paved lot. Metal watch towers dotted the corners and entrance gate with t-dolls and Sangvis Jaeger SWAPs constantly scanning the horizon. More buildings had been erected along with a large tarped-over area where three BTRs were being maintained by some technicians. Two Manticores patrolled the outer perimeter along with some T-dolls, and Dinergates were running to and fro. And, standing by waiting for them to land were two people. One was a t-doll in a maid outfit and the other was a woman with striking scarlet hair held in a short ponytail; she wore a winterized Griffin commander's coat.

"Welcome to the Mountain, Mrs. Helian," Annika shouted over the helicopter's rotors as they powered down. A red blur ran out of the helicopter as soon as the door opened and tackled Annika. "And a warm welcome to you too, Zena," Annika laughed as she caught the girl in a hug.

"Hello, Auntie Annika!" Zena had a bright smile on her face as she looked up at Annika. Helian let out a sigh as she stepped off the helicopter with the suitcase rolling behind her. She wanted to reprimand Zena for running, but let it slide when she saw the smile on her daughter's face.

"Thank you, again, Annika for agreeing to help look after Zena while I'll be away," Helian said as she walked up to the group.

"It's fine," Annika reassured, "Zena's always welcome to stay with us. Centaureissi," Annika said and turned to the t-doll next to her, "Could you bring Zena's bag to her room?"

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