Chapter Thirty Three - Thicker Than Lakewater

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              Ooh, don't you find it strange?                                                                                                                     Only thing we share is one last name                                      - The Family Jewels by Marina and the Diamonds


Cal is terrible at remaining inconspicuous.

First, he nearly gets us captured by chattering with the locals in Naercy. Then, a guard starts chasing us down in Delphie because someone didn't hide his flamemakers properly. ("That someone was you." "Don't change the subject!"). And now he's going to blow our cover with his inability to slouch.

"There's nothing wrong with--"

"Everything is wrong with it. No commoner has a back that straight. Are you trying to get us caught?"

Cal sighs. "You yelling at me for being conspicuous is infinitely more suspicious than my slouching."

"And now we're deflecting." I throw my hands in the air. "All this effort, just for you to ruin it."

"I haven't done anything!"

"Exactly! I'm doing all the work."

"Sirs?" A shopkeeper taps me on the shoulder. "Is there a problem?"

It takes all I have not to point at Cal.

We've made our way past the Rift into the disputed lands, but since then, progress has slowed. Our tetrarchs are almost gone, the red powder is reaching the bottom of the tin, and my court must be growing anxious. I have no time for nonsense.

"Don't mind us." I hook my arm around Cal's shoulder. "My cousin's being annoying, is all. Sorry to bother you."

The man gives us a sideways glance before retreating to his stall, one of many that decorate the far side of the bank. Nets, seafood, and fish traps that look remarkably like the basket I carry all compete for sale among the textiles and crafts. A river runs parallel to the street, white noise drowned by the chatter of gossip and barter.

Cal grips my shoulder. "You're looking for excuses to yell at me, aren't you?"

"That would imply I have to look."

He sighs.

"My plan, my rules."

Cal gestures to the river, where a stand advertises canoes for sale and rental. "So." His voice wobbles. "You got any rules against boats?"

My stomach churns. "You know how to row?"

We wade into the shallow, climbing in, him in front and me behind. I would never allow my back to be turned. Cal hands me a paddle, lowering his own without protest.

The water taunts me, lapping at and spilling over the sides in tiny droplets. One lands on my skin and I flinch. Ugh. The paddle slashes through the river, but the canoe spins in a circle. "Are you kidding me?"

"You're paddling wrong."

I sneer. "Of course. It could never be your fault."

Cal massages his forehead. "Please work with me."

"Fine. Order me about. It's what you do best." I stab the water without looking. "Am I too slow? Too delicate? Tell me, Cal. I'm all ears."

Cal reaches for my hand, and I pinch him. He yelps. "Do you want to get to the Lakelands or not?"

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