ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ᴏɴᴇ

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"No get away" Erika said walking backwards into an ally
"Get your ass over here Erika"
"No asshole" Erika screamed Jake started walking towards her and she ran but soon felt someone grab her
"No let go!" Erika screamed at the man
"Put her in the van" Jake said
"Ugh Fuck all of you!" Erika screamed and Jake laughed

-to the beginning


Erikas POV
So I'm Erika I'm 17 and a senior I live with my mom my dad died when I was young i miss him but my mom I hate her she's always with her stupid boyfriend she cares more about him then me and he's younger then her he's in his like late 20s he's tried to you know do things to me but not anymore cuz last time he tried I threw a pan at him don't worry he's still alive...anyway there not home I pretty much live on my on but just cuz I do doesn't mean I have parties every week and have boys over no! I don't even have friends well I talk to some people but they don't really vibe with me people at my school are fucking annoying
But what I have to get ready for school

Erika took a shower and got dressed

Erikas outfit:

She put mascara and chapstick and grabbed her backpack going downstairs grabbing her green smoothie and going to her keep driving to school

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She put mascara and chapstick and grabbed her backpack going downstairs grabbing her green smoothie and going to her keep driving to school

-after school

"Erika!" Alexis yelled Erika rolled her eyes
"So nobody wanted to go with me to a party but i know you will"
"I don't know party's are not my thing who's party even is it and with who"
"It's with my boyfriend well not exactly but we met a few mouths ago and we've hooked up you know it's at his friends house come on it will be fun" Alexis said Erika was about to say no until 2 cars sped into the parking lot and 2 boys from each car came out
"You coming babe" a browned haired boy asked walking up to them
"And who is this" a bold boy said with a smirk on his face Erika smiled
"This is Erika my friend Erika this is Anthony kade chad and Jake" Alexis said
"Nice to meet you" she said looking at Jake
"You coming to the party I promise you'll have fun"
"Mmm i Don't know"
"Come on it'll be fun" Jake said Erika thought for a second and smiled
"Okay" she said Alexis clapped and the boys all got I to Anthony's car leaving Jake alone with Erika he held his hand out and Erika grabbed it walking to his car he opened the door for her she laughed and got in


Jakes POV
Erika is hot for a high schooler she has a way better body then all the bitches I've fucked I don't do relationship but with her I just met her and damn all I'm gonna say i'm attracted to her

They walked in and someone called Jake

"I'll be back but make yourself at home aight babe" Jake said with a wink walking away Erika rolled her eyes

Erikas POV
That Jake guy is hot Very hot and all his tattoos, I wonder how old he is mmm I don't know I honestly don't know why I'm here but whatever

Erika went over to the kitchen and saw people drinking she looked around and found a bottle of water then she felt a hand on her waist and a arm reach I front of her grabbing a beer bottle she turned around and was faced with Jake

"You lost babygirl".....

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