ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ғɪᴠᴇ

377 6 1

-few days

Erikas POV
It's been a few days and I haven't seen Jake he's not answering my calls or text I don't know what's happening but I'm getting worried and mad

"Hey Erika" Alexis said
"Hi" Erika said
"Ugh Anthony has a side chick stupid bitch but Anthony is mine"
Erika rolled her eyes
"Yeah it's some girl who's apart of there mafia"
"Yeah Anthony's in a mafia didn't jake tell you"
"No he never said anything"
"That's weird because his dad is the leader once Jake turns 21 him and his brother will lead"
"What!" Erika said freaking out then Jakes pulled up with Anthony Erika didn't know what to do she saw Brandon
"Brandon can you take me home"
"What about your boyfriend is he gonna beat me up again"
"Beat you up?"
"Yeah I didn't get this black eye from myself that's why I didn't come to school for a week"
"I'm sorry but you won't have to worry about it anymore but Can we just go please" Erika said pouting Brandon smirked
"Hop on" he said handing her a helmet and she got on his motorcycle and they sped off
"What was that" Anthony asked
"I don't fucking know but if she thinks that was funny she's going to regret it"


Erika was home alone she showered and put on sweatpants and a cropped shirt she heard the door open downstairs she quickly got out of her bed and grabbed a teddy bear slowly going downstairs then someone popped out of the corner she screamed and threw her teddy bear at them

"Might want the get a better weapon next time" Jake said
"What-how did you get in my house the door was locked!" Erika said
"Why did you come home with that guy"
"Because I didn't have anyone to take me home"
"I was there! You come to me!" He yelled walking up to her she walked back
"Stop yelling! I should be the on mad not you!"
"Oh yeah huh what I do now"he said crossing his arms
"I know your little Secret" she said he clenched his jaw he grabbed her arms
"You don't know anything"he said she pulled her arms away
"Yes I do you-you've killed people people"
"Your not going to tell anyone okay I wouldn't do that"
"I don't want to be with you a-anymore leave!" Erika said
"No your mine Erika mine you gave me your virginity you gave me all of you I marked you your mine"
"N-no!"she said pushing him he tried grabbing her but she ran away he chased her upstairs he grabbed they were arguing and yelling but Erika manger to push him out but his phone fell out she locked her door and his phii oh e dinged he was banging on her door she grabbed his phone and unlocked it seeing the messages


L-where the Fuck are you
L-you better not be with her Jake you can't be with her dad wants her and her family dead thanks to you we got more information even though you actually like her you gotta stay out of it dude dads orders now hurry and get home

Erika was in tears she couldn't believe what she was reading she started looking deeper and found files about her family and her step dad she opened one and found out her step dad kill his mom and sister he got a notification saying the video was saved into his private file Erika clicked on it and saw of video of him and her when the had sex for the first time she was shocked then the door flung open

"You recorded it! W-why-why! That was just supposed to be something between me and you"
"Why not! Come on we look good-"
Erika slapped him he clenched his jaw slowly turning to face her again
"Your lucky Your my girlfriend"
"No im not I hate you"
"No one saw it" he said in a dark tone
"I don't care! H-how could you"she said with tears
"Stop please"he said grabbing her hand she pulled away
"Did you plan this date me record us having sex what to flex to your stupid gang friends to show them you took a 17 year olds virginity or was it just to get closer to my family or my step dad who killed your-"
"Shut.up" Jake said grabbing her arms tightly his eyes were dark
"Your in no right to talk about my mother or my sister" he said
"My mom has nothing to do with it neither do I just-just l-leave my family alone"Erika said
"You really don't know your mother do you"
"W-what do you mean"
"...I don't want to hurt you with the truth might give you another way of seeing your mom" he said she pushing him away from her
"Your lying just leave don't come back I never want to see you again I don't want to get myself into any trouble so leave or-or I'll call the cops" she said Jake chuckled
"Do whatever you want babe" he said touching her face she smacked his hand away he bit the inside of his cheek he pushing her up into a wall making her gasp
"You can break up with me call me names hit me but your little daddy"
"He's not my dad" she said he chuckled
"My bad your step dad won't get away with what he did I'm going to come get him weather it's alive or in a body bag understood and there nothing you can do to stop that. I never used you ,yes when I found out I was a little ticked off but I wasn't going to let them hurt you" he did touching her face she turned her head breathing heavily
"Get out" she simply said
"I'll leave You might not see me for a while actually after...we'll you know but I'll be back I can't just leave my princess alone because your mine all mine you understand I own you" he said then grabbed her face kissing her she kissed back, it was a reflex put pulled back quickly
"I'll be back Don't forget" he said and walked out Erika was breathing heavily she ran her fingers through her hair
"What just happened" she said to herself she walked to her window he saw her and winked at her the pulled out speeding down the road

Erikas POV
Ugh I hate him....but I -I love him too Ugh!!!

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