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"Erika is better she woke up" Logan said with a smile Jake let out a sigh in relief
"Told you she'd be fine" Anthony said Jake nodded

-two days later

Jake was waiting in the living room for Erika to walk in his leg bouncing up and down then the door opened Jake stood up Erika walked in with the help of sunny Erika looked up and locked eyes with Jake it was silent

"We'll leave you two" they all walked away leaving them alone

Jake walked up to her Erika looked down her eyes filling with tears Jake walked closer to her he placed his finger under her chin but she flinched and back up

"D-don't hurt me anymore p-please" Erika cried
"Erika...look at me please" Jake said Erika shook her head Jake grabbed her hand but she pushed it away and slowly looked at him
"I-I can't I-I -t-this , I-I'm sorry" she whispered running out
"Erika!" Jake yelled Jake grips onto the couch looking down

Everyone ran in

"Where she go!" The girls yelled
"She wants to be alone" Jake said Anthony walked up to him
"No she doesn't Jake she's been torched raped and mentally abused the last thing she wants is to be alone she needs someone...she needs you " Anthony said Jake looked at at him then looked at Logan, Logan nodded Jake walked out following Erika

Erika ran out to the garden she stopped looking down tears running down her face

"Why!" Erika cried wrapping her arms around herself remembering what happened to her she finally broke down falling to her knees but Jake caught her pulling her into a hug not letting her go she hit his chest
"Why! Why! Why did this have to happen to me!" Erika cried
"I'm sorry baby" Jake whispered in her ear
"N-no I-I want to die! I don't w-want to live a-anymore, I want to be with m-my dad!" She said crying her eyes out Jake lifted her Chin up to make her look at him
"Don't ever say that I need you Erika I need you because your the only person in my life that keeps me sane I need you ,our kids need you Erika don't ever say that again" he said
"I know baby I know what they did to you" Jake said Erika looked at him then looked down and finally let everything he held her rubbing her back
"It's going to be okay I've got you" Jake said Erika kept crying holding in to him tighter


They landed back In California and headed home . Once they got there Jake helped Erika out and took her inside

"Jake your back" broke said running up to him
"Oh and your back to how...surprising" broke said Jake gave one of the guards of look making them grab broke
"Hey what are you doing let go!" Broke yelled
"We'll take care of her you take Erika upstairs" Logan sis shake nodded
"No Jake help me don't let them do this Ugh let go Jake!" Jake ignored her putting his hand in the back of Erikas back and helping Erika up the stairs to there room

Once they got there Erika stopped turning to face him

"I-I want to meet them"
"You need rest"
"You said there were here"
"Yes they are but right now you need sleep" he said
"P-please" she said he looked her in the eyes and nodded
"I'll let you see them but after you are going to rest okay" Jake said lifting her chin up to look at him Erika nodded

Jake took Erika to the twins room He slowly opened the door the twins were playing on the floor with a maid

"Dada" the baby girl said putting her hands up the baby boy tilted his head looking at Erika , Erika smiled letting tears fall She kneeled down
"Hi" she said softly the boy crawled to Jake the girl started crying
"D-da-da" she cried Jake picked the boy up then walked over to her and picked her up
"It's okay princess" Jake said the baby girl put her head on his chest Erika looked down and started crying
"Baby what's wrong" Jake asked
"They-they don't Know who I am" she cried
"Erika, baby they didn't know who I was before 2 weeks ago they'll get used to you just give them time" he said Erika nodded and stood up walking closer to him
"Can I hold them"
"Take him he's a little...calmer" Jake said Erika smiled and took him the little boy whined a little bit but slowly got used to her and started playing with her hair Erika let out a small laugh
"Looks like he's already getting used you" Jake said Erika looked at him and smiled


Erika woke up to Jake not next to her she slowly got up looking around the room but didn't see him she decided to shower and got ready for the day

"Hey ms.costell do you know where the boss is" a maid sis s
"Boss?-oh Um no why?"
"The twins woke up"
"Oh Uh I can handle it thanks" Erika sis style maid nodded Ethan walked to the room and heard the baby girl crying
"What's wrong baby"
"Dada" she cried Erika gulped
"You really like your dad don't you baby" Erika said she kept crying she looked over and saw the baby boy playing. With his teddy bear I faced of his sister crying her lungs out Erika laughed a little Erika picked her up she got the hiccups from crying so much but stopped crying looking at Erika , Erika rubbed her back
"It's okay mommy's got you" Erika whispered she smiled making Erika smile too she walked over to baby boys crib
"Good morning buddy" Erika said he was biting the teddy bears ear making her laugh then she heard screaming Erika walked out
"Can you look at the fir a second I'll be back" Erika said to the maid she nodded and Erika ran downstairs
"What's going on". Erika asked
"There killing Brooke " .....

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