ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ɴɪɴᴇ

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"You really thought you would get away" Logan
"For two fucking years we've Mourned the death of my mother and sister we promised we would make pay who ever killed them and now look, I have him right in front of me" Jake said
"I don't know what your talking about" Lincoln said
"You know exactly what we're talking about!" Logan yelled Lincoln spit at him Logan shot his foot he yelled
"But before you die I need what you have in your arm" he said
"What-what do you mean" Lincoln asked a little scared
"You know what we mean" Logan said Jake ripped his sleeves and started carving into his skin he screamed Jake got out a chip
"At least you did something well" he said
"Now how told you to kill our mother and sister "
"R-Ryan I swear it was all him I just followed orders" he said
"Where's there hide out" Logan asked
"It's under ground the chip it has all the tunnels and we're they're located I swear that's all I know"
"Your still going to die" Jake said Lincoln got up somehow that out of his restraints and threw a knife at Jakes shoulder Jake groaned Logan was about to shoot when Lincoln flipped the gun and pushed him running away

Jake pulled the knife out with a small yell he grabbed his shoulder a lot of blood coming out he grabbed his gold gun

"He's not getting away" Jake said they ran out

(they were at their house by the way in the dungeon)

Logan ordered the guards to help with them then the whole group came out one of the guards tackled Lincoln and grab the gun from him what Jake didn't know was Erika it was hiding behind the wall watching everything

"No dont-"Lincoln said but both Jake and Logan started shooting him his body went limp but they kept shooting Jake shot his head twice

Jake looked up and saw Erika she was in shocked and fear she had tears on her face

"Who let her out of the room!" Jake yelled
"Y-you-you" Erika was breathing heavily she looked at him terrified
"Erika-"She shook her head backing up Jake grabbed her arm Erika knees him and runs off into the woods
"Get her!" Jake yelled down guards ran after her
"Clean this up" Logan order they walked in the girls stitched Jake up and he put a shit on and left
"We're you going "
" is the middle of the night and she out there scared out of her mind we live in the middle of nowhere if she finds an exit what do think she's going to go" Jake said
"We're coming" the boys said

-hour later

Erikas POV
I want to go home but I-I can't I don't know where I'm going I wish my dad was here I miss him so much

Erika heard noise and gulped she was barefoot walking in the woods in the dark she was terrified especially after what she saw she heard yelling she hid behind a tree closing her eyes she looked to see if anyone was there and there wasn't so she turned back around and screamed once she saw Jake

"No" she cried Jake grabbed his arm he pulled her with her she was crying
"Let me g-go" she cried trying to pull away he grabbed both her arms making her scream
"Your coming with me wether you want to or not" he said she kept resisting until Jake hit her with the back of his gun she went limp the boys ran to her
"Shut up" Jake said picking her up and taking her to the car they drove back home


Erika woke up with a headache she was wearing different clothes she tried to get up but her arms cuffed to the bed her legs tied together then Jake walked in shirtless her eyes became watery

"How are you" he asked she didn't say anything he walked up to her grabbing her jaw making her look at him
"I asked you a question babe"
"I-I h-hate you" she said he let go of her his hand moving down her body she kept moving to get his hand of he kissed her neck
"Stop get off of me" she cried
"Your staying here you have no we're to go you don't have anyone but me...not even your mom has asked about you you saw me kill someone so what suck it
"Your a monster" she said with a sniffle
"Oh baby I much worse then a monster...your not going anywhere okay" he said getting up and walking away
"I hate you!"
"Love you too babe!"

And with that he walked out she started crying

-next day

"Stay still" Jake said Erika didn't say anything Jake put alcohol on her wrists since the cuffs dogged into her because of her pulling she whined sick with hurt Jake wrapped her wrists
"There" he said getting up Erika got up
"C-can I see my mom" Erika said
"No now eat" he said trying not to sound mean
"N-no I want to see my mom!" She said
"Who do you think your talking to huh" he said getting close to her she gulped then slapped him he lifted his hand up
"What are you going to hit me wouldn't surprise me since y-you killed someone" she said Jake clenched his jaw
"If you knew what your mom is really like what she's been hiding from you for a long time you wouldn't even want to see her" he said then walked out

-next week.....

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