ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ᴇɪɢʜᴛᴇᴇɴ

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Erika broke down sliding down the wall the girls ran to her hugging her

"I c-can't be pregnant" Erika cried
"It's okay babe" sunny said
"Jake! He-h-he's going to kill me once he finds out" she said scared
"Calm down let's just not tell him yet with what's been going on I don't think it's the best moment let's just tell him once things calm down "Mackenzie said
"She's right let's just wait a few days" Sarah said
"Trust me having a baby is not bad having London was the best thing I have ever done it was hard in the beginning but I love her to death she's not to blame for mine and Logan's stupid mistakes Your baby is a blasting Erika don't be scared " Chloe said Erika sniffles and nods

-later that night

Jake walked into the room on his phone talking to someone he saw Erika

"I'm just getting some clothes I'll be out in a bit" Erika said softly Jake looked at her then continued his conversation

Erika got her things then was about to walk out when she felt the urge to throw up she dropped her things and ran to the bathroom

"I'll talk to you later" Jake said and hung up the phone , he walked to the bathroom and saw her cleaning her mouth she turned and saw Jake looking at her she looked down then tried walking away but he stopped her
"What.was.that" Jake said sternly Erika gulped
"Nothing I-I just ate something bad" she said
"Alright" he said she walked away
"You better not be lying Erika" Jake said Erika gulped and kept walking

-next day

"Wow you finally decided to show up" Jake said as he took a sip of his drink
"Where is that bastard that killed your mother and sister " his father asked
"She's in the girls room" Brooke said smirking Jake looked at her his father walked away with some of the guards Jake walked away to his office

Jake poured himself another glass of whiskey he scrolled through his phone looking at his came roll he came upon a video of him and Erika he clicked on it and saw them laughing he turned her around kissing her

'Your perfect princess' he heard himself say in the video Erika blushed and kissed him again then the video ended

"I'm sorry" Jake said chugging his drink down


"Logan please do something!" Chloe yelled crying
"I can't it has to happen" Logan said
"No it doesn't Erika did nothing it's not her fault she can't die Logan she's innocent " Mackenzie said
"I'm sorry -"
"She's pregnant!" Sarah yelled At Logan
"It's true please don't kill and innocent she carrying your brothers child!" Chloe yelled Logan clenched his jaw
"Jakes in his office!" Chad yelled as the ran in Logan sighed
"Let's go" he said and they all ran to Jakes office

They barraged in and Jake looked up at them

"Get out" was all he said
"Erika is about to get killed dude" Anthony said
"What do you want me to do" Jake said
"She's your girlfriend!"
"No...she's not mine anymore" Jake said
"Stop I can't do anything-"
"Jake she's pregnant" sunny blurted out Jake looked up at her
"Erika is pregnant and if you don't go and stop your father... you will lose Erika and your unborn child" sunny said with watery eyes Jake clenched his jaw he looked over and saw the picture of his mom


"I did what you wanted now leave me alone and deal with your problems alone you turned me into a murderer but thanks to your training I felt nothing that poor man suffered because of what I did yet I didn't feel no sympathy for him congratulations dad you turned me just as cold and heartless...like you" Jake said running up to his room

Ge laid in his bed when there was a knock at the door

"Go away!" Jake yelled
"It's your mother hunny" his mom said Jake sighed and opened the door
"I'm sorry mom but I don't feel like talking to anyone" he said laying back down
"It won't take long" she said Jake sighed sitting up
"Don't let what your father says change you you are much stronger then you think, your father raised you to differently then normal families but your not evil sweetie"
"I killed someone and I didn't feel anything" he said
"When your time comes to lead I'm sure you'll be strong don't let the anger and hatred consume you like it did your father...you are strong ,you are good Trust your instincts and your heart" she said putting her hand on his heart
"my beautiful boy"

End of flashback

Jake clenched his jaw grabbing his gun

"Where I she"...

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