ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ᴛᴡᴇɴᴛʏ-ᴇɪɢʜᴛ

305 9 2

"Jake!" Logan yelled shaking him his eyes getting watery the girls started crying
"Jake your kids need you Erika needs you come on hand on!"

Logan shook him then the mechine started growing again showing that his heart was beating again everyone was shocked but relieved Logan sighed in relief

"I'm not...going anywhere" Jake slowly spoke everyone looked at him
"It's not easy killing me" Jake smirked the boys laughed the girls smiled bring the twins back in
"Here are your babies" sunny said Jake looked at them clenched his jaw the twins looked at him , the little boy crossing his arms
"He has your temper" Anthony said Jake chuckled closing his eyes since he was in pain then stool his hand out the baby boy slowly crowded to him
"Dada" he said Jake sighed letting out a small smile
"Go on baby he's your dads" sunny spoke to the baby girl who would let her go Jake smiled
"Come here princess" Jake said slowly stretching his arm out the girl slowly leaned forward going to him he groaned
"Are you okay"
"I'm fine" Jake said looking down at the twins
"There so big" he said they all smiled
"Now all we need is Erika" sunny said Jake cleaning his jaw
"Yeah" he said looking down at his babies

-next day

"No jake you need to rest"
"I need her and I need her now I'm fine" Jake said slowly getting out already dressed and got into the car The boys sighed


"Prince said they always go to this club Erika is there he managed to get them to stop...raping her but they still hit her and force her to dance for men" kade said Jake clenched his jaw
"I'll be the one to kill Ryan you'll worry about Erika I want her safe for it" Jake said they all nod


Everyone was in there spots Jake went to the back taking out a few people on his way to find Ryan once he made it to the door of his office when he felt a gun on his temple he chuckled quickly grabbing the persons wrists twisting it making him pull the trigger and shoot him self , then he heard clapping Jake turned around pointing his gun and being face with Ryan who was pointing a gun at him Jake smirked putting his gun down Ryan pushed him into his office

"Your alive"
"You won't soon" Jake said he chuckled
"This is my club you really think you can kill me I got people everywhere"
"You sure about that" Jake said looking at his computer Ryan looked at Jake then his computer looking at the security Cameras seeing all his men dead Ryan clenched his jaw
"You wont ever get her back you know why because she's already gone" Ryan said
"Your lying"
"Am I" Ryan said showing him a video of Erika screaming and him shooting her Jake clenched his jaw Ryan chuckled Jake grabbed his collar
"Where is she where's her body!" Jake yelled
"Good luck finding that out" Ryan said punching Jake and running out

Jake quickly pulled out his phone calling the others

Close all exits.....

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