ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ᴛᴡᴇɴᴛʏ-ғɪᴠᴇ

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"Look at security cameras, gaurds at the gates being them call Adian, Kevin and prince I want them here now" Logan ordered
"Well find them dude " Anthony said Jake clenched his jaw

-next week

"You have to eat babygirl" Jake said
"I want my kids!" Erika screamed throwing the tray if food away Jake was clenched his jaw trying to fight back his anger
"No! I want my babies y-you promised to bring them back Your a lier!" Erika said hitting his chest Jake grabbed her arms
"Stop-" she pushed him back getting up
"You! This is all your fault I hate you why did you have to come into my life!" She cried Jake was done he walked up to her making her walk back but stopped once her back hit the wall
"You think Your the only one hurting! Don't act all innocent because your not!-" Erika slapped him making him turn his head to the side landing on his gold gun

Erika looked at it and gulped she quickly grabbed it pointing it at him Jake looked at her not saying anything he actually let out a chuckle walking closer to it making the tip of the gun touch his chest

"What do you plan on doing little one , you want to kill me huh is that what you want to do huh" Jake said grabbed her hand making her push the gun harder against his chest

"You hate me for ruining your life huh I hate for the same reason I never wanted you to get pregnant nor did I feel anything for them ever I can't even stand being near you because every time I see you I see your mother and that stupid video of my...

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"You hate me for ruining your life huh I hate for the same reason I never wanted you to get pregnant nor did I feel anything for them ever I can't even stand being near you because every time I see you I see your mother and that stupid video of my mother and sister screaming as there car exploded but when I look into your green eyes I want to hate you I wish I could but I can't and even though you think I'm not doing anything your wrong because even though I don't feel anything for those creatures we created I know there mine and that you need them so I'm doing everything in my power to get them back to you ...so pull the trigger Erika pull.the.trigger."Jake said Erika let tears fall as she took everything he said in

Erika dropped the gun looking into his eyes then hugged him Jake slowly wrapped his arms around her tightly

"I didn't even get to see there face" Erika cried
Jake rubbed her back
"I'll bring them back too you" Jake said Erika looked up at him
"Promise" she said
"I promise you"

-few months later

"It's been 6 months and we have nothing!" Jake yelled
"We-" Kevin walked in all beat up Adian and prince caught him before he fell
"What happened" Anthony asked
"Ryan his people...beat me up...they told me to give this to you" Kevin said spitting blood as he handed them a hard drive

Adian took it putting it on his computer and put it on the big screen so they could all see

'We have your sweetie little babies wonderful let me tell you you made beautiful babies congratulations let this count as a warning you think your so smart don't you paul yet you don't know there one person living under your roof who is giving us information to take you down...Uh Uh Uh I thought you were smarter then that guess I was wrong, tell ms.costell that her babies are okay there in very very good hands' -Ryan

Jake clenched his jaw

"Now we know it's Ryan we'll get them soon"
"I want there location as soon as possible everyone here is going to be searched understood who ever is giving them information is going to put with there life" Jake ordered they all nodded


Jake walked by Brookes room and heard her talking to someone

"No... yes I'm sure...yes nobody knows a thing"Brooke said Jake walked in
"No one knows what!" Jake yelled grabbing her arms Brooke gulped.....

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