ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ᴛᴡᴇɴᴛʏ-ғᴏᴜʀ

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"Listen to me-"
"No! Y-you knew this ,my d-dad w-why!" She cried
"You weren't supposed to find out!"
"My mom killed him! She killed my dad! I lived with her for two years not know that she caused me this pain! A-and you knew this" she said breathing heavily Jake walked closer to her and she pushed him hitting his chest
"Why!why! Why!" She cried falling to her knees  Jake caught holding her tight
"N-no!" She said balling her eyes out
"Erika-"he said when he heard her gasp and open her mouth she screamed Jake looked down and saw blood dripping from her leg she fantied Jake picked her up putting her on the bed then called out for everyone


Jakes POV
We were up all night Erika is asleep she and the babies are fine they had to sleep her since she was...freaking out, I didn't want her to find out about her mom killing her father because I know that rusty would have hurt her to much and I didn't want her to go threw that...she's doesn't deserve do go threw that


"Mmm" Erika hummed starting to wake up she slowly woke up siting up slowly
"Woah lay down" Jake said she shook her head her eyes getting watery
"Erika I know it's hard but it's done we can't do anything about it I'm sorry baby" Jake said Erika cried as Jake hugged her
"I miss him" she said he clenched his jaw
"I want to see her she said again
"Please" she said he looked her in the eyes

-few days later

"Why!" Erika cried facing her mother
"Because your father was worthless like you he didn't want give me the divorce after finding out I cheated on him so I had to take him out"
"Do you hear yourself! You took the only person that cared for me that loved me protected me...your a monster mom I hate you" she cried her mom went to speak when Jake walked in with the gaurds they grabbed her
"What are you doing" her mom asked
"I'm going to let you go " Jake said bluntly
"W-why" her mom said nervously
" well since im not going to kill you I'm letting go"
"Just like that" she asked
"Yes you have no home no partner and you lost your daughter there's no worse punishment
Then that, you will walk alone like the dog that you are" Jake said nodding his head so they can take her out she screamed calling for Erika , Erika cried Jake hugged her
"It's okay" Jake said

-months later

"Erika you should rest the day is almost here" sunny said
"I'm fine-"

Erica dropped her glass making everyone look up at her

"Erika?" Jake said getting up
"J-jake the b-babies are c-coming" the water broke she screamed and Jake took her up to their room
" breathe baby" Jake said
"I-I'm scared"
"She's here" the girls yelled

The doctor around here with a helper

" I need everyone out" The lady said, everyone left
" you're fully dilated get ready to push"
"1,2,3 push" Erica let out a bloodcurdling scream and pushed


They all heard Erika screams from outside Jake got up
"Jake wait" Logan said
"it's raining really hard" sunny said looking outside
"I need to be in there "he said
"relax Jake Erikas strong"

-back inside

The first baby was born the lady handed him to her partner
"Push Erika again "
"I-I can't I c-can't "she cried
"yes you can come on push" Erika felt a contraction and she screamed pushing then they heard the 2nd babies cries Erika was breathing heavily when suddenly the light went out Erika fainted
"Stay here I'll go get some candles" the doctor said leaving , the balcony doors open and in walked in a man
"Who are you-" the person put something over the women's mouth faint they grabbed the babies
"M-my baby w-where my baby"Erika said coming in and out of consciousness

-living room

"Adian said the power was cut " Logan said
"Erika" Jake said running upstairs The same time the doctor did
" your babies where the doctor say I'm running up to her worker
"M-my baby" Erika kept saying over and over
"Where are my kids!" Jake yelled grabbed the doctor the doctor shook her head not knowing what to say
"There getting away" kade yelled looking out the balcony
"Stay here" Jake ordered the girls and ran out

Jake got into his car speeding off following the car this went on for 30 minutes until they lost them Jake stopped in the middle of the road getting out of his car in the pouring ran falling to his knees the others stopped and got out

" we'll figure something out... I promise"


Asking for her baby and he was all wet

"I-Jake w-where are my b-babies "

Jake stayed silent

"J-Jake!" Erika screamed
"... i'm sorry"Jake said
"No w-where are they"
"There gone!"he yelled
"no... No! I want my babies!"she screamed
Jake hugged her
" no! Where are my babies jake I want my babies!" she cried in his chest....

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