ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ sɪx

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-5 months later

Erikas POV
So I graduated eeee finally I worked so hard but my mom and her boyfriend have been her for a while which is wired there never here but whatever I haven't seen Jake in a while but what ever

"Get out of my room" Erika said as her step dad walked in
"Your moms in the shower"
"I don't care leave or I'll scream"
"Come here" he grabbed and Erika scratched his face pushing him out locking the door she sighed

-20 minutes later

Her mom walked in

"How you get in my doors locked-" her mom slapped her Erika held her face
"How dear you hit him"
"Did he tell you why he tried to touch me and not in a good way"
"Is that true" her mom asked
"Don't believe her"
"I'm your daughter"
"Your grounded"
"Really well watch me walk out" Erika said grabbing her phone and running down stairs they yelled for her and she ran off

Erikas POV
I really hate him Ugh!


Erika walked down her street and went to a park she got hungry and decided to go get something at a store close by she started walking and her yelling she gulped and hid behind the brick wall of an ally she say someone on top of someone else beat them she saw the man on the floor spiting blood there were other man around them Erika started walking backwards until she accidentally bumped into a garbage can make a loud noise the man on top of the on in the floor looked up he let go of the man standing up straight

"J-Jake" Erika said shocked he looked at the man he was bleeding badly and Jake had blood all over his hands his knuckles where bruises from punching to hard one of the man in the side gave Jake a towel to clean his hands
"Hello baby girl" Jake said with a smirk Erika gulp
"A-are-are you going to kill him"she asked he chuckled
"No...at least not yet" he said his eyes turning dark making Erika more scared
"You kind of interrupted the process but he will dye after I get you" he said walking towards her she walked back and started running
"Grab her" Jake order his men he looked at the man on the floor
"Now for you thanks for the information but I might have to cut off that little deal I said"
"You-you said you wouldn't killed me" the man said Jake chuckled
"You work with Ryan and you helped make everything look like an accident in my mothers and little sisters murder and for that you deserve to die"
"Don't worry I'll promise it will be fast"

The man got up trying to run away but Jake pulled him back putting his gun to his stomach he heard a scream behind him

"Cover her eyes!" Jake yelled they did
"Your time is done" Jake said with no emotion and shot his gun Erika screamed from the sound ,the man gasped and fell to the floor bleeding out

Jake turned around he motioned for them to let her go and they did

"No get away y-you monster murderer!" Erika said walking backwards into an ally
"Get your ass over here Erika"
"No asshole" Erika screamed Jake started walking towards her and she ran but soon felt someone grab her
"No let go!" Erika screamed at the man
"Put her in the van" Jake said
"Ugh Fuck all of you!" Erika screamed and Jake laughed
"Let me go p-please" she said scared he was going to kill her
"I'm not going to hurt you"
"Then let me go!" She screamed he grabbed her face not hard though
"No! No it's time for you to go to sleep"
"No let go! Stop!-" Jake out something over her mouth and she went unconscious

-Paul mansion.....

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