ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ sɪxᴛᴇᴇɴ

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"Have you seen Jake" Erika asked softly
"No why" sunny asked
"I just want to talk to him" she said sunny asked
"I think he went to his office good luck" sunny said Erika smiled and walked to his office the door was slightly opened she saw Brooke sitting on his desk and Jake was drinking again
"Ugh stop you drink 24/7 let's do something fun" Brooke said taking the cup out of his hand putting it aside and getting on top of him kissing him Erika walked away not wanting to see more
"Get off!" Jake yelled pushing her off making her fall on the ground she gasped and walked out stomping away

Jake grabbed his cup again pouring himself more whiskey

-with Erika

She walked into Jakes room standing in the balcony staring outside at the party

Erikas POV
I'm just going to wait for him here I don't feel like watching him make out with Brooke

Erika huffed playing with her necklace with her dad weeding band on it

"I wish you were here to tell me what to do" Erika whispered to herself
"What are you doing in my room." Jake said with anger and hurt laced in his voice
"I...I just wanted to talk" she said Jake shook his head
"I don't want to talk to you I can't even look at you get out Erika" he said
"No you can't blame me for what happened ,I-I'm sorry for what my mom-"Jake cut her off grabbing her arms
"Get.out. Your lucky I haven't kill you yet" he said Erika gulped
"Then kill me" she said Jake clenched his jaw
"You want to get revenge on what my mom did then kill me jake kill me!" She said Jake closed his eyes
"You don't know what your saying! You don't know what I'm capable of little girl! death is not something you play with ,you think if I kill you everything will end you just want to take the easy way out"
"No I don't!"  She yelled at him pushing him he grabbed his gun from his waistband putting it to her throat she sucked in her breath
"Do you want me to pull the trigger Huh is that what you want"
"You really don't care about me do you Jake you never did"
"Shut up." He said Erika gulped grabbing the gun they started fighting over it but Jake was stronger then her

Jake grabbed Erikas arm twisting it behind her back making her gasp

"Nice try" Jake said breathing down her neck Erika tried pulling away but his grip got tighter he turned her around,there faces inches apart

Erika looked into his eyes ,Jakes eyes moved to her lips then back up. Jake grabbed her kissing her roughly Erika kissed back Jakes hands roamed her body , kissing her neck sucking on her sweet spot making her moan


"Yo look!" Chad yelled they looked up and saw Jake and Erika making out
"Told you there meant to be" sunny said
"He's drunk he doesn't know what he's doing" Logan said
"Dude-" Anthony was cut off
"Talk and a bullet will go in your head" Logan día d
"This is how you know your related to Jake" Anthony said rolling his eyes
"He can Fuck around with her I don't care but once my father comes Erika will seek to exist" Logan said walking away
"He's joking...right" the girls asked the boys shrugged
"Damn Jake is getting at it" kade said the turn the attention back up



"Mmm" Erika moaned

Jake picked her up taking her in his room throwing her in the bed getting on top of her ripping her clothes off and undressed herself he slammed into her not giving her any time to adjust . Jake was pounding into her with no mercy he was taking all her anger out in her, Erika screamed in pain hitting his chest he pinned her arms above her head with one hand and used the other for support

"J-Jake!" Erika screamed Jake ignored her she kept moving to get him to slow down ,Jake choked her getting close to her
"Stop.moving" he ordered she spit on his face and he clenched his jaw  letting out a dark chuckle he pulled out flipping her over slapping her ass over and over leaving his hand print on her Erika screamed at the last one since it hurt Jake slammed back into her pulling her hair ,Erikas back hitting his chest
"I hate you" he whispered in her ear she screamed in pain but mostly pleasure now
"I hate you" she said  grabbing his hand , he moved his hand up choking her she threw her head back looking into his eyes he kissed her she kissed back soon she screamed and came all over him he thrusted faster shooting his cum into her

Jake let her go laying in the bed pulling him on top of him inserting himself back in her Erika moaned throwing her head back and started riding him he grabbed her waist digging his fingers into her leaving bruises making her go faster

"Fuck!" Jake yelled Erika moaned slowing down he choked her again
"Keep riding" he said she gasped and moved her hips back and fourth again Jake grabbed her waist helping her Erika kissed him making out soon she came and he did too and slowly pulled out , both breathing heavily
"Jake" Erika whispered looking up and saw himself sleeping she sighed pecking his lips
"Please forgive me" she said then put her head back in his chest slowly falling asleep


Jake woke up first he opened his eyes then closed them since the sun was bright

Jakes POV
Fuck my head hurts , I had a good fucking dream-who the fuck-it wasn't it dream

He said looking down and saw Erika on top of him moving around in her sleep

"What the fuck did I do"....

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