ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ᴛᴡᴇɴᴛʏ-sᴇᴠᴇɴ

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"P-please don't hurt me!" Erika screamed the man laughed
"Come on you'll have fun" he said talking his shirt off Erika cried

-with Jake

"It's been 3 months 3 fucking months how is he not getting better!" Logan yelled
"He's all healed his body is still not reacting yet we run test and we can't find anything to tell us why he isn't waking up" the doctor said
Mackenzie cried holding onto the twins tightly


"Any clues in Erika" sunny asked playing with the babygirl
"They fled the contry were not sure were" Logan said letting out a sigh
"We have to find them the twins don't even have names yet Jake is fight for his life and Erika..." Chloe looked down Logan hugged her
"I got a hit!" Adian yelled
"What is it!" Anthony said
"Erika she's in Italy"
"How" chad asked
"I don't know but she's not doing good I managed to hack into there server she's..." Adian looked down
"She's what !" They all yelled Kevin sighed pushing Adian out of the way pressing play on the video the girls covered her mouth

You could hear Erika screams as she was being raped and tortured

"Turn it off" Logan said Adian pushed Kevin away shutting his computer
"I want as many people out there don't make a move yet I just want to keep on eye on them and prince I need you to get in"
"Your the only one she knows at least a little she'll trust you you need to get on there side and protect her understood" Logan said prince nodded
"You'll all live in the morning" Anthony said standing up when a maid ran in
"This is off limits to you"
"I -I know sir it's just I-I can't find the twins" she said the girls quickly got up running out Logan sighed
"If we don't find them your dead" Logan said running out the maid cried
"I want all of you to look for the twins no spot untouched understood" Anthony said the gaurds nodded splitting up
"They can't even walk yet where could they have gone" sunny asked worried
"guys!" Kade yelled

Everyone ran to kade where he was standing outside Jakes room , the door was opened they looked in and saw the twins sitting on the floor looking up at Jake the girls cried happily

"I think they know Jakes there father" Sarah said
"Poor kids they've been through a lot" chad said

Then Jakes machine started going crazy and he started shaking, he was having a seizure

"Get them out of here" Logan said the girls picked the twins up taking him up walking out but still close enough to hear what was going on
"Jake dude what's happening!" Anthony yelled Logan grabbed his hand
"Jake!" Then the line went flat
"NO!" ........

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