ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ғɪᴠᴛᴇᴇɴ

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"Jake!...Don't do something you might regret,Jake!" Anthony yelled running after him Jake kept walking around the house trying to find Erika he was throwing stuff around
"Where is she!" Jake yelled the boys ran up to him
"What's-"Kade was cut off by by Jake pushing him out of the way he went into the girls room where they were at he grabbed Erikas arm roughly making her gasp and look at him
"Let go!" Erika screamed
"You mother killed mine!" Jake yelled
"What?" She said in disbelief the girls and the boys gasped
"Your mother is a murder!" Erika shook her head
"Your lying! My mom wouldn't kill anyone" she said
"Oh really" he said dragging her out taking her to the office they all follow him
"Look!" He yelled Erika shook her head not wanting to see the video
"Look at it!" He said grabbing her jaw forcing her to look at the video every saw the girls covering there mouths
"Your mother was apart of this she ruined my family!" Jake yelled Erika gulped as tears fell from her eyes
"You what! You say I'm a monster what about your mom!"

Erika ran out the girls ran after her

"Mackenzie you stay" Jake ordered
"Stay!" He said she nodded sitting back down the boys were in disbelief as well


"N-no my mom-why" Erika cried sliding down the wall the girls ran to her
"It's okay" sunny said
"No my moms a murderer" she cried they looked at her sadly and just hugged her

-next day

Logan flew back from London after finding out what happened

"Your just going to let her live!" Logan yelled at Jake Jake rolled his eyes smoking his blunt
"Jake!" Logan yelled
"What! What do you want me to do"Jake yelled
"You still have a soft spot for her Don't you" Jake clenched his jaw and didn't say anything
Logan shook his head
"You do realize once our father finds out he will have her killed" Logan said
"Then why isn't he here I told him the same time I told you and is he here, no so until he decides to show his face we both do nothing" he said looking at Logan

-few days later

Anthony's POV
So we're having a party let's see how that goes Jake hasn't stopped drinking Erika...I don't know she's always with the girls but she looks mad depressed , anyway let's see how today turns out

"Come on you need a distraction now go shower" sunny said Erika sighed and got up taking a shower


"Perfect!" The girls said

Erikas outfit:

"Okay let's go down people already here "

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"Okay let's go down people already here "

They went down and heard music blasting and people dancing and others out back drinking smoking or swimming they walked to the boys Erika stood behind sunny but Jake still saw her

Jakes outfit:

He was sitting down on one of the chairs,leaned forward with a cup of whiskey in his hand he looked her up and down then took a drink of his whiskey still looking at her but with no emotion Logan was standing behind him smoking a blunt and twirlin...

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He was sitting down on one of the chairs,leaned forward with a cup of whiskey in his hand he looked her up and down then took a drink of his whiskey still looking at her but with no emotion Logan was standing behind him smoking a blunt and twirling a knife between his fingers They both stared Erika down Erika looked away not knowing what to do, the girls were busy talking to the others Logan whispered something to Jake and he shook his head Logan got mad and threw the knife across the room landing it on the wall everyone there was shocked Jake clenched his jaw and Logan stormed off

"I'll go talk to him" Chloe said running after him
"I need another drink" Jake said getting up walking away

Erikas POV
I have a feeling Logan really wanted that knife to hit me....Ugh why does everything have to go bad for me


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