ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ᴛᴡᴇʟᴠᴇ

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"Jake wait" Erika said sitting up
"What's wrong"
"I know you killed him because you felt like you needed to but please don't kill anymore"
"I understand how you feel because I know how your dad died-"
"You don't know anything!"
"I know way more then you do!"
"What do you mean" she asked he shook his head
"If needed I will kill anyone that gets in my way"Jake said getting up and walked away
"Even me" Erika said jake stopped
"If you get in my way...yes" Jake said and walked out Erika took a deep breath and screamed

-next day

"But do you like him" the girls asked since Erik was talking to them about what happened with Jake
"I think"
"Erika!" They screamed
"What! I hate him but I think I...love him but mostly hate him" she said the girls smiled
"Mhm" they said Erik rolled her eyes
"Fine let's say we understand what your trying to say how would you feel if he was with someone else " sunny said
"Look he's with Brooke" Sarah said they ran behind the wall and listened to them
"Later Brooke I have to go do something"
"Ugh fine" Brooke said and pulled him down to kiss her Jake kissed back they made out Erika squinted her eyes and balled her fists

Jake pulled back and smirked

"Later" Jake said and walked away from her then stopped and turned his head to look at the girls
"Y'all enjoy the show" he said
"What?" They said trying to pretend they didn't see anything Jake rolled his eyes
"Prince is watching you guys so don't try anything understood" Jake said and walked away they all turned to Erika
"Not jealous huh" Mackenzie said


"Prince is checking you out" Sarah squealed as they were outside in the pool
"He's...not bad looking" Erika giggled
"Ooo"the girls said making Erika laugh
"Who is he anyway " she asked
"Prince Williams he's a member of the mafia he works with Kevin you'll meet him later they are in charge of transportation of drugs but he had a little...issue with Jake so Jake suspended him for a while " sunny said
"Jake can do that I thought you said he won't become leader until he's 21 or something" "yeah but he is going to be the future leader everything he says is done that's what my uncle always taught them and trust me no one will say no to them everyone in the mafia is imitated by them"Mackenzie said
"Why they don't seem that imitating Erika said the girls looked at her like she was crazy
"Okay maybe a little there dad though I only saw him once but he's scary looking" Erika said
"Well there dad has been leader since he's been 21 he's killed even tortured people he's a very aggressive person that's why Jake and Logan are that way since meranda and rosies death all Jake Logan and there dad have focused on was killing who ever killed them and prepare them for when they lead" sunny said
"He's coming this way!" Sarah squealed
"Hey" prince said looking at Erika making her smile
"Prince this is Erika , Erika meet prince"
"Nice to meet you"....

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