ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ᴛʜɪʀᴛʏ

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"No no no no no" Jake ran over to her picking her up
"Erika! Erika wake up!" Jake said shaking her he took a deep breath looking up at the Celling trying to hold back his tears

Jakes POV
Why do I feel this way I don't know what's happening my eyes fell heavy like I cut onions what's happening to me

Erik let out a gasp Jake looked down

"Erika your-"
"J-Jake"Erika said with tears eyes
"It's me baby"
"I-I Don't...w- want t-t..to d-die" she whispered still gasping
"Your not I promise I'm not going to let you die" Jake sis picking her up bridal style

Jake walked in and saw everyone dead they looked at Erika in his arms

" she's alive" they said shocked
"She's dying we need to take her somewhere now!" Jake yelled they nodded

They got in separate cars driving as fast as they could to the nearest hospital

"J-Jake" Erika whispered Then her body wen thump
"No Erika, Erika stay with me!" Jake yelled
"Hurry up!" Logan yelled
"What do you want me to do!" Anthony yelled
"If we take the same road we did to come where she won't make it the only way is through the woods"Adian sis s
"Are you crazy!" Anthony yelled
"Do it!" They all yelled

Anthony looked at the rear view mirror Jake looked up looking at him through it. His eyes were dark filled with anger and pain he wasn't shedding the tear but you couldn't see his wariness even though he was trying to hide it with his clenched jaw and angry stare. Anthony took a deep breath and took a sharp turn into the woods


Jake was pacing back and fourth in his room the girls were the ones who stayed at the hospital with Erica since Jake couldn't be seen in the boys Anthony walked in Jake looked at him then turned his head

"Get out" Jake said with his jaw clenched Anthony sighed
"I know your worried Jake you might not be crying but you care for her and deep down you know that" Anthony said sitting down next to him
"I just don't want the twins to never be able to meet there mother that's all" Jake said
"Stop lying to yourself Jake your father was cold he taught you and your brother to be emotionless and calm under pressure you're good at hiding your emotion a little too good but deep down I know for a fact that you do feel something you're not evil or cold hearted...your not your father Jake" Anthony said Jake looked at him in his eyes then looked down at his hands
"She was the only good thing that's happened to me after my mom died...I can't lose her" Jake said looking at him with watery eyes Anthony brought him into a hug Jake didn't make nose but he finally let the tears come out of his eyes
"She'll make it out I promise dude" Anthony said pulling back Jake sighed
"Thanks" Anthony nodded
"Hey at least I know your not completely emotionless" Anthony said laughing Jake looked at him shaking his head but laughing with him

Then the boys ran in Jake wiped his face and stood up

"What's with the looks" Jake said seeing that everyone had a worried expression
"It's Erika" kade said
"What about Erika"
"It's just that how do we say this!" Chad yelled frustrated
"Say what!" Jake yelled impatient Logan walked up to him
"Erika is".......

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