ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ɴɪɴᴇᴛᴇᴇɴ

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"Move or the next person that ends up in body bag will be you" Jake said to the gaurds

The gaurds gulped nodding moving away Jake grated in looking around trying to find Erika until her heard her scream

"No please I-" Erika was cut off by mr.Paul back handing her making her fall and clutching her stomach
"Your going to pay for what you've done" mr.Paul did Erika cried not knowing what to do scooting away as he walked closer to her
"Let her go" Jake said as he pointed the gun to his fathers head his dad chuckled
"I raised you well" his father said Jake clenched his jaw
"Like father like son" he said Erika gulped looking at them
"Your not killing anyone so put the gun down" Jake said
"Her mother killed yours and your sister"
"You said it her mother did Erika has nothing to do with it"
"She has to pay-"
"Kill her and I'll pull this trigger this is my house s you'll be what I say no matter if your my own father and I'm not letting you kill her or my unborn baby so put the gun Down." Jake said slowly but in a imitating tone his father nodded putting the gun down and so did Jake he turned to him walking close to him then walked away

Jake kneeled down to Erika he reached his hand out making her flinch

"I won't hurt you anymore" Jake said calmly giving her a small smile Erika slowly grabbed his hand he hugged her tight crying softly
"Shh it's okay" Jake whispered in her ear then picked her up taking her out of there waking up to his room slowly laying her on the bed
"I'll be back" he said she grabbed his hand kissing him he kissed back then she pulled away
"Thank you " she whispered he caressed her cheek kissing her once more then walked out

Jake saw his dad with his suit cases ready to go

"Your leavening" Jake said angry
"I don't see the point of staying"
"Why not be a good father for once and he with your family that's all you've done since mom and rosy died you still have to kids you know" he said raising his voice
"You seem to be doing well son you'll become leader in a few week the only mistake you've done so far was get that girl pregnant"
"It's...it's not a mistake Erika has nothing to do with what happened and it took me a long time to realize that I care for her and I'm not letting anyone hurt her"
"You mean how you have I might not be here son but I still keep my eyes on you and your brother I would have done you a favor by killing her" his father said
"No you can not put this on me! I've made mistakes"
"Don't we all"
"I'm trying to change I don't want to end up like you alone and miserable" he said his father walked close to him
"You can't change even how much you want to you'll always be a cold, emotionless ,curl person no matter how much you want to change you'll always end up like me son people don't change and neither will you" his father said Jake clenched his jaw and his father walked away Jake punched the wall

Jakes POV
I will change...I have to for Erika and my baby

Jake walked back upstairs he took his shirt off laying down pulling her in close

"I promise nothing will happen to our baby" Jake said Erika smiled and cuddled into his chest

-one week later

"There's your baby" the doctor said Erika smiled Jake clenched his jaw looking away
"How many months am I?" Erika asked
"About 10 weeks which is a little more then 2 months" the doctor said
"Do you know the gender" she asked
"Not yet the baby is barley developed so we won't be able to find out yet until Your about 18-21 weeks so we can give the baby enough time to develop" the doctor said smiling then packed her things up handing Erika the ultrasound picture and leaving

Erika fixed herself siting on the bed looking at the picture

"Look Jake our Baby" Erika said showing him the picture Jake looked away
"Hm" Jake hummed
"Our baby look" she said he look at the picture then gave it back to Erika getting up and walking out

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