ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ғᴏᴜʀ

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"Be quiet" Jake said as he let Logan in with the boys (Anthony kade and chad)
"Aww is the princess sleeping"
"Shut up Logan why are you here who told you where she lives" he asked Anthony turned around Jake glared at him
"You studied bitch" Jake said about to go at him but kade and chad pulled him back
"I'm sorry dude but the motherfucker was about to beat me with a fucking bat what do you expect me to do" Anthony said Jake rolled his eyes
"Whatever what did you mean about telling her about why I'm really with her"
"Well finds out baby bro your little girlfriends step dad is Lincoln Jacobs a member of Ryan jones mafia her step dad killed our mother and our sister" Logan said with both his hands in fists Jake clean her his jaw Then they heard a faint voice
"Jake" Erika said as she started walking down the stairs
"Father ordered us to kill anyone who gets in our way so she's going first" Logan said getting his gun out Jake got in front of him
"Your not killing anyone.understood." Jake said in a serious tone Logan clenched his jaw
"Jake!" Erika said again Jake looked at all of them and walked to her
"I thought you left" she said rubbing her eyes
"Nah....I'm still here"
"Where you talking to someone"
"No I just came down for water but go back upstairs" he said
"You sure-"
"Go upstairs Erika now" Jake said in a deep voice

Erika looked down and turned around running up to her room Jake sighed punching the railing he walked back to the kitchen

"Looks like you had fun with her already how was it fucking a minor" Logan said
"Shut up"
"She's going to die sooner or later okay so ether you do it or I'll do it"
"You aren't going to lay a hand on her I'm not going to let you kill her" Jake said walking close to him Logan chuckled
"Don't tell me you actually fell for her"
"And if I did so what at least I didn't get a random girl pregnant" Jake said Logan glared at him
"You got your flaws too her step dad will die trust me he won't get away with killing our mom and sister but not you or anyone else will touch Erika she has nothing to do with it okay she's off limits" Jake said Logan nodded
"Fine she's off limits but good luck convincing dad oh and you better come home bye 10 we have a meeting" Logan said walking out
"We'll see you later dude" the boys said

Jakes POV
How the fuck am I supposed to tell her-what am I saying I'm not going to tell her shit she doesn't need to know...relax Jake relax

Jake went back upstairs and saw Erika was wearing her own clothes (shorts and a tank top) laying on her side Jake laid next to her but she moved away

"Leave me alone go home I don't care I want you out" she said Jake wrapped his arms around her she kept trying to do but couldn't because stronger than her he got on top of her pinning her arms up
"Stop!" He yelled she screamed
"I'm not in the best mood right know so don't make me do something I'll regret" he said she gulped and looked away Jake sighed
"I'm sorry"
"Mhm" she said
"Erika come on I'm being serious say you forgive me"
"Will you be nice to me now" she said he rolled his eyes
"Yeah I'll be nice"
"Fine I forgive you" she said he kissed her and they cuddled

-week later

"Jake but you just got here "
"I know but I have to go Baby but I'll be back"
"Promise" she said he smirked and kissed her
"Promise" he said kissing her and putting his hoodie on Erika pulled him back kissing him they made out she jumped on him wrapping her legs around his torso he walked over to her bed laying her down kissing her neck he slipped his hand in her shorts rubbing her clit she gasped and moaned loudly
"Omg!" Jake kissed her coller bone he took his hand out making her whimper

Jake chuckled and kissed her again roughly when her door swung open Erika pulled back sitting up Jake sighed and stood up and was faced with Erikas mom and her step dad Jake clenched his jaw

"What's going on!" Her step dad yelled
"What you never seen a couple kiss if you would have waited a little longer you would've seen a lot more" Jake smirked Erika bit her lip not knowing what to say
"Get out!" Her mom yelled
"No you can't just kick him out!" Erika said
"Yes I can Erika! Out before I call the cops "
Jake chuckled
"Fine bye baby" Jake said kissing her it turned into a make out when her step dad pulled him off her Jake pushed him back grabbing his arm putting it behind his back
"Don't ever touch me again"Jake said the man groaned Jake let go and left
"Your not to see him he looks like a criminal and he hurt your father!"
"So he has tattoos so what and this man is not my father Jake just defended himself and I'm going to keep seeing him wether you let me or not now get out if your going to kick my boyfriend out ima kick you out this is my room so out!" Erika said pushing them out

-Jakes house

"Are you sure-"
"Yes I'm sure Lincoln Jacob is back in town and this time he's going to die!"....

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