ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ᴛᴡᴇɴᴛʏ

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"I can't ,I can't do this I can't pretend I feel anything for what she has inside her!" Jake yelled
"Jake-" Logan was cut off
"No! Our father was right no matter how much I want to change I can't I'm just as heartless as he is" he said with his head in his hands
"That thing you call it ,is your baby it has your blood Jake . See when I found out Chloe was pregnant I felt anger I wanted her to abort at the time I wanted to kill what was inside her and forget all about her that was until I got the call the she gave birth something inside me told me to go and I did and once a saw her I fell in love with that beautiful baby girl . Shes all I think about her and her mother, just be patient like our mother always said 'time will tell' you will be better not just for yourself but for Erika and your baby" Logan said walking away Jake sighed
"Mom" Jake said grabbing the picture frame of his mom


" I'm 16 mom I think I know what sex is actually I'm really good at it-"
"Jake" his mom said Jake chuckled
"You asked how my love life's going I gave you an answer " he said
"Sweetie I meant, is there a girl that every time you see you feel your heart beating faster you get excited just by looking at her-"
"No relationship aren't really my thing"
"Well when you grow older-"
"Yeah yeah I need to have a family so my kids can take care of the family business blah blah blah"
"Jake I'm being serious when your older and start your family you'll understand you have to find the girl that you think is right that you love and are sure you want to start afamily with you'll have to treat her well and respect her"
"Aight...what if something happens like we get into an argument like you and dad always do" Jake said his mother sighed
"I don't know what to tell you sweetie you'll have to figure that out on your own"
"Well that's Fuck up" he said laughing his mom smiled
"Language Jake" he put his hands up laughing
"What I can tell you is when you do start your family you have to love and protect them ,your father has raised you differently I know he's cold with you and your siblings but not all parents are like that"
"What if I end up like him cold"
"...I know you won't sweetie you are good and I know you'll make a great father...better then your father listen to your heart okay"

End of flashback

"Listen to my heart"jake sighed

Jakes POV
If only it was that easy

-Month later

"Jake can we talk" Erika asked Jake looked at her
"I can't I have to go deal with something" he said grabbing his gun
"I said not know okay" he said and walked away Erika screamed walked to the room

-night time

Erika was laying on her side then she got up

Erikas POV
Where's Jake

Erika walked downstairs and saw him in the kitchen on his computer she walked behind him

"Jake" Erika said Jake shut the computer and turned around
"What are you doing here it's late go back to bed" Jake said
"I can't...we need to talk please" she said softly Jakes face softened
"What do you want to talk about" he asked calmly
"Why have you been ignoring me since we had our first ultrasound of our baby" she asked
"It's been hard-"
"It's been hard for me too jake I can't do this all on my own I need you Jake it's your baby please don't leave me alone with this" Erika said letting tears fall Jake looked at her clenching his jaw then Unclenched it
"Our baby" he said putting his hand on her stomach she sniffled and and smiled and nodded
"I'm...im sorry I told you I was going to protect you and our baby and so far I've been a dick" he said making her giggle
"I want you Erika I know you have nothing to do with the murder of my sister or my mother but...I don't want to betray my family or what's left of my family"he said Erika gulped letting more tears fall
"I want to be with you Jake I'm so so sorry" she cried (her hormones are all over the place)
"Erika look at me" he said lifting her chin
"It doesn't matter anymore okay I'll try and put my part and you put your so we can raise this beautiful baby your carrying okay" he said she sniffled and nodded looking at him she leaned in kissing him Jake kissed back

Jakes POV
I can't

Jake grabbed her pulling back she gasped at how tight he was holding her arms he noticed what he was doing and let go quickly

"I'm sorry" he said
"I-it's okay" Erika said
"Let's go to bed okay" he said she nodded he grabbed her hand taking her up to his room he changed and got in bed with her he slowly wrapped his arm around her and they both drifted off the sleep

-few weeks later.....

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