•Part 25•

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It was officially a week of being locked down in the dungeon. We were only brought food and water once a day. It consisted of a single piece of bread and a glass of water. No idea why they desired to keep any of us alive. But I was sure glad.

I was feeling pretty homesick. Not just from my family, but Hogwarts as well. I missed my friends. But I just had to wait and wait.

One afternoon there was chatter upstairs. I didn't think too much of it because I was dizzy and malnourished.

Later on I heard the name Harry. They kept saying it. I knew that they wanted to kill Harry, but it was almost like they were directly speaking to him. But I heard spells and people hitting the ground up there. It could not be good.

Later on, the rat came down stairs. He brought two people down here. They were shadows at first, but then I saw Ron's red hair and soon after I heard Harrys voice.

"Hello?" Ron asked as he some how turned a lantern on.

"Hello," Luna said as she came out of the corner.

"Luna, Ali, what are you two doing down here?" Harry asked astonished.

"We've been trapped down here, given only little food," Luna responded.

"What's happening upstairs?" I asked desperately.

"They captured us," Harry said. "We tried to escape, but it didn't work."

"Where's Hermione?" I asked.

"Still upstairs. We don't know what they're going to do to her, but it's not going to be good," Ron said.

Suddenly we heard a harmful scream that sounded painful. We all knew it was Hermione. Ron freaked out and cursed a lot.

"When I get back up there, I'm going to kill all of them," he shouted.

Harry tried to calm him down, but Ron didn't calm down at all.

All of a sudden, we heard someone coming down the stairs. Ron quickly turned the lights back off and we all looked at the doorway. It was Malfoy. We all gave him a dirty look.

Without using any words he shut the door behind him and came towards me. He harshly took me by the right arm and dragged me out of the dungeon.

"What are you doing?" I asked tiredly.

He didn't answer. We were half way up the stairs already when I tried to push him away. He didn't loose his grip, and just glared at me. Tears started to fill my eyes, scared of what was about to happen.

"Well, well, well, look who we have here," Bellatrix said grossly. "Two mudbloods in a room together, how gross."

She quickly turn her smile into a frown.

Draco pushed me to the ground where Hermione was unconscious while he walked to the nearest corner. I could barely get up since I was so weak, and even if I tried to escape, they would out run me.

"What do you want?" I asked fearfully.

"Oh, nothing," Bellatrix said sighing.


Bellatrix came towards me and picked me up. Right as I was on both of my feet, she let go. I fell right back to the ground. She just laughed along with all of the other death eaters. I tried to see if Malfoy was laughing, but right as I looked up, I was hit with the crucio curse. It hurt so much and it wouldn't stop. It burned through my veins as I was struggling to breathe. I just wanted to be saved at this moment.

Dracos POV

I couldn't save Sanders. Not at this point in life. She was struggling though. I've been hit with the crucio curse many times before. I knew how bad it hurt and how long it lasted.

"Draco!" She yelled in a high pitch noise. It was too painful to resist.

"Stop! Stop it right now!" I yelled as I ran over to her.

I didn't want to see the disappointment on my mother and fathers faces, not yet.

"Ali, Ali hang in there you're going to be just fine," I said kneeling by her side.

"Am I," she breathed for air. "Am I dying?"

"No, no you are not."

"I knew you were going to break sometime, Draco," Bellatrix said twirling her wand.

Bloody hell. Why does she have to ruin every moment in my life.

Ali's POV

Quickly, Harry, Ron, and Dobby all came upstairs. They looked down at Hermione and I as fear crept onto their faces.

"Get them!" Bellatrix yelled.

Everyone in the room started casting spells at one another. Lucius picked Malfoy up and dragged him over to the other side of the room.

I quickly stood up as the curse was wearing off and started casting spells. Bellatrix saw that Hermione was still on the ground. She picked her up and held a dagger to her throat.

"Stop!" Bellatrix yelled. Everybody stoped what they were doing.

"Drop your wands."


"I said drop them!"

Harry, Ron, and I dropped our wands. They hit the ground quickly.

"Go on Draco."

Malfoy bent down as he picked up all of our wands and went to go and stand by his father.

"Well, look who we have here. Harry Potter, all bright, shiny, and new. The Dark Lord will be very happy with this," she said nastily. "Call him!"

Lucius held his wand to his dark mark. Just then, we all heard squeaking. I looked up and saw Dobby hanging from the chandelier. Suddenly, it dropped. A loud boom followed as it crashed on the floor.

"You could've killed me!" Bellatrix yelled.

I quickly ran over to Draco so we could get our wands back. I stole two out of his hands as I realized they weren't any of our wands.

The next couple of seconds were a blur. I might have been sick, or just weak but I was quickly Apparated to a beach.

Dobby was in the arms of Harry as I got up. I brushed the wet sand that stuck to my skin as I walked over to Harry.

There was a dagger stabbed into him. Luna said as he slowly died to shut his eyes, so they did.

I needed to catch up on a lot of thing while we stayed at Bill and Fleur's cottage. I got the best sleep that night, and I wasn't hungry or dehydrated. I just wanted to stay here forever, but this mission had to keep going. So I'm not going to stop now.

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