•Part 14•

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I know you miss me. But you're not doing anything about it. Why does it have to be this way?

And so it all went back to usual the next morning. First years getting lost, everyone figuring out their timetables, and each professor giving a summary about what they were going to teach that semester.

My first class was History of Magic. I only had Ron and Luna in that class though. Luna was nice enough to let me sit by her since I would usually sit by Hermione, but I couldn't this year.

When I entered the class, I totally forgot that Professor Binns wasn't going to be here this year. Dumbledore is the worst at choosing teachers. He always picked the ones with two sides. They are nice when he's around, and mean to the students.

And this time, that was exactly the case. This has happened so much that everyone knew that the new professor was not going to be welcoming.

"My name is Professor Haven. That is H.A.V.E.N," he said as he wrote it up on the chalkboard. "Today we will be starting with a quiz."

He passed the quizzes around to everyone. Making sure he looks everyone in the eyes.

"What kind of quiz is this?" I asked Luna as I looked over the questions.

"Looks unordinary to me," Luna answered. "I guess he just wants to know more about us."

"Yeah," I said, slowly looking over all of the questions.

I suddenly realized that all of the questions were about us. But they weren't just any questions, they were very specific questions. Like one asked what your blood type was. Why does that even matter?

I filled all of the questions in, lying about some, like did I believe in muggles being good? My answer was, some are. But why was that even a question? I was about to skip it, but why not just lie, it's not like Professor Haven is going to know.

When I turned my test in, he looked at me up and down. I walked away in fear. Somethings wrong with this man. And I need to find out what.

That night was unusual. Hermione hung out with her new friends. While I just sat there, still, frozen, thinking about what was yet to come. I was scared that some of the questions on that test would make Professor Haven look at me differently. It made me feel queasy looking down at my plate when we were eating dinner in the Great Hall.

I couldn't imagine what was going to happen tomorrow. I just hoped he didn't take my answers in the wrong way.


The next morning I felt less eager to go to class. It's not like Professor Haven can do anything bad to me because there would be other classmates there watching the whole thing.

So it was like another old and boring morning. Waking up, showering, getting dressed, and eating breakfast. It was my new but old routine.

After breakfast, I walked down the halls by myself passing many people who were just standing around even though class was about to start. I saw Hermione standing around with her new friends. She has changed a lot. Her hair, her style, and even her mood. I hated her friends. They were ruining her. And I knew I had to do something about it. But truly, I have too many problems in my life that I was going a bit crazy. I didn't know what was real and what was fake. If it was a dream or reality.

When I got to class, Professor Haven was sitting in his chair organizing papers in rows. I wondered if he was going to give us any more tests. I went to go and sit by Luna. She was silent. I had no clue why, so I just sat there playing with my thumbs.

"In today's class we will be learning about muggle wars," Professor Haven said. "Does anyone know anything about them?" He looked around the class. A few people raised their hands. "No one?" And then he looked at me. "Ali, you're a muggle. Tell me, what causes them?"

"Me?" I asked looking around the room.

"Yes, you silly girl."

"But isn't this History of Magic class?"

"Don't question me!" He said aggressively.

"Oh, um, well they're caused by two sides. One side's wish is to take control of the other side's priorities." I told him.

"Okay, and what happens when that is caused?" He asked me again.

"Well people fight against each other, but I've only been in a muggle school for six years Sir," I said, still playing with my thumbs.

"And that's all you got from six years?" He asked with a grin.

"Yes. I mean we were just kids back then" I said hesitating a little.

"And you can't tell me any more than just that?"

"Sir, there are more people in this class to call on," I said, raising my voice a little too high.

"30 points taken from Gryffindor," he said, turning back around.

"B-But what did I do-?"

"Do you want more points taken away?" He said sharply.

"Don't," Luna said softly, just as I was about to talk.

I knew that my Gryffindor classmates were going to be mad at me. 30 points is a lot. But what did I do? I simply answered the questions he asked. At least tried to. But I don't get why he chose me. Out of everyone who was raising their hand.

I was still frustrated as I walked out of class. People stared at me in the halls because my face was all red and hot. I rushed to the bathroom to wash my face with cold water. And as I did, Myrtle was there reading a book by the window.

"I surely wasn't expecting to see you here," she said, closing her book and flying down to the wet bathroom floor. "Did you come to talk to Moping Moaning Myrtle?"

"No, I mean sure. I just need a break from things." I said, rinsing my face.

"Ah," she said flying back up to sit by the window.

I was already going to be late to class, so I hurried my way down the empty halls to potions, when I bumped into someone I hated the most.

"What are you doing out here?" Malfoy asked.

"I could ask you the same thing," I said, giving him a dirty look. "Anyways I'm going to class before I'm even more late."

"Well you're already late," he said smirking.

"Yeah so I don't want to be even more late," I said, noticing something in his hand. It read -ison. I didn't know what the first couple of letters were, but I didn't say anything.

"Woah, sorry Sanders," he said in a playful voice.

"Malfoy, don't you see, you said to move on because it's not safe, why do you keep tricking me like this?"

I left before he could say a word. Walking down the empty, silent halls. It disgusted me that I was talking to him. He made me feel sorry for my friends. For the way I left them. And I did not forgive him. I will never forgive him.

𝐎𝐇 𝐇𝐎𝐖 𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐄 𝐅𝐋𝐈𝐄𝐒//𝐃𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐎 𝐌𝐀𝐋𝐅𝐎𝐘 (staying unfinished)Where stories live. Discover now