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I woke up to Gabe shaking my shoulder. I groaned as I dug the heel of my hand into my eyes. Gabe was sitting on the edge of the bed. He had already changed into a pair of jeans and a T-shirt. He ran his fingers through my short hair.

"Good girl," he said. "You didn't get out of bed."

His threat had partially stopped me from trying to get out of the bed. The medication was much too powerful for me to stay awake during the night.

The pain in my head had dulled to a bearable throb. I covered my bare chest with the sheet as I sat up. Gabe put his hand on my thigh and rubbed my leg.

"I need to go home," I said. My dry throat caused my voice to come out hoarse.

"You are home," Gabe said. "Now, let's get you changed."

Gabe got off of the bed and walked over to the closet. He shuffled through an assortment of women's clothes. He pulled out a white sundress, and I recognized it as the dress my mother had bought me for my highschool graduation. They must have gotten my suitcase out of the van. He opened up a drawer and pulled out a pair of underwear.

"Put this on," Gabe said as he set them down on the bed.

I reached out to grab the clothes, but Gabe took my hand. He ripped away the sheet and I covered my chest with my arm. I had no idea what he did to me last night, but I did not want to be exposed in front of him.

"Let go of me," I said.

I pulled my arm away, but he curled his fingers tighter into my skin.

"You need me to help you," he said.

"I can get changed on my own," I said.

Gabe crouched in front of me so that we were eye-to-eye. He kept a hold of my arm and held my jaw with his other hand. He forced me to look at him.

"Listen here," he said. "You need me. You are going to rely on me for the rest of your life. I am going to protect you because I love you. No one else loves you. That little boyfriend of yours you had did not care about you."

The mention of Finn caused my eyes to burn with tears. I was afraid to blink and begin sobbing. I am the reason that Finn is dead. I am the reason he had to go through so much pain. He begged for them not to kill me, but I wondered if he imagined this would happen.

"This is your family," he said. "This is your true family. We are going to protect you from the outside."

He leaned forward and kissed me. I tried to roll my head to get his lips off of mine, but his hold on my jaw was too tight. His lips attacked mine and his tongue swiped along my bottom lip. He tried to gain entrance into my mouth, but I denied him. He rolled his eyes when he pulled away.

I did not want to be naked around Gabe anymore, so I did not fight him as he changed me into the dress. It was odd to be wrapped in a piece of home while in such a forgein environment.

Gabe laced his fingers through mine and pulled me out of his room. I struggled to keep up with his long legs as we went down a hallway and down a large staircase.

Jenny was at the stove, and there were eggs frying in the pan. She looked over her shoulder and smiled at us. Gabe let go of my hand and put his arm around my shoulders. He kissed my cheek. I pushed him away, but he grabbed my neck and pulled me back.

"Behave, Lindsay," he said.

"Let go of me," I said.

I grabbed his hand and tried to rip him off of me. Gabe pulled my head back at an awkward angle.

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