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Taylor came back into the house before the rest of the men. Emme had spent most of the day asleep. The moments she was awake, I could hear her sniffling as she tried to hold back sobs. I would rub her back in an effort to comfort her. She was asleep when Taylor came into the room.

I pushed myself up so that I was sitting when Taylor came into the room. He did not say anything to me as he walked to the side of the bed. He kneeled down and ran his fingers through Emme's hair. She stirred but did not wake.

"Lindsey, go help Mom with dinner," he said.

I nodded before getting off of the bed. I stopped when I was at the door and looked over my shoulder. Taylor brushed his knuckles against Emme's cheek. Her eyes fluttered open before she pushed herself up. Taylor helped her sit on the edge of the bed.

I hurried out of the room. I felt like I was already overstepping my boundaries by watching them. I went down the stairs and Jenny was at the sink cooking.

"How is Emme?" she asked me as I joined her.

"She slept most of the day," I said.

I did not include the part of her silently crying while awake. I did not want her to worry anymore about Emme than she already did.

"Good," Jenny said. "She needs the rest."

"Taylor is with her now," I said.

"I have good feelings that she will feel better about this family now."

The door opened, and Gabe and Noah walked into the kitchen. Gabe came up behind me and put his hands on my belly. The smell of dirt and sweat filled my nose. I leaned back into his chest.

"Are you okay?" he whispered into my ear.

I nodded. I was alright. I just hoped that Emme was okay. I wondered if she would be coming down for dinner or if Taylor would keep her in bed for the evening. I was curious if Emme was crying while Taylor took care of her.

I set down the knife that I was using to chop vegetables, and I turned and slid my arms around his neck. He pulled me in for a kiss. When our kiss broke, I stayed on my toes and was inches apart from Gabe.

"I love you," I said.

Gabe smiled and kissed me again.

"I love you too," he said. "Let me get washed up."

I nodded and let go of him. Jenny and I put dinner on the table as the men cleaned up. As I was putting plates on the table, there was a thudding noise coming down the stairs. I looked to see it was Taylor with his arms around Emme. She had changed into a sundress, but her curls were still a matted mess.

We all sat around the table. Taylor pulled out a chair and helped Emme sit down. She sighed as Taylor filled her plate full of food. I was expecting her not to want to eat, but instead, she shoveled the food into her mouth. I guess she was hungry from not eating for a few days.

Gabe put his hand on my knee and squeezed. I realized that I was staring at Emme. I bit down on my lip as I looked down at my plate.

"It's good to see you eating, Emme," Noah said.

Emme looked up from her plate for a moment before shoving more food into her mouth.

"It's good for the baby," Jenny said.

Emme visibly shuddered before setting down the fork. Jenny's comment ruined her appetite.

"Emme, we know you're worried," Noah said, "but you are going to be a great mother. You are going to give this family many healthy boys."

Taylor reached around her and put his arm over her shoulders. Emme jumped when he touched her. Her fork clanged with the plate and she held her bandaged arms to her chest.

"Of course she will," Taylor said. "I can't wait to have our son."

"What if it is a girl?" Emme asked.

Noah clicked his tongue against the roof of his mouth as he shook his head.

"Hasn't Taylor taught you that you should be asking no questions?" he asked. "You need to trust us. We are always doing what is best for you."

Emme pushed her food around her plate with her fork for the rest of dinner. I would find myself staring at Emme, and then Gabe would squeeze my thigh. It was a silent gesture to tell me to stop looking at her.

Jenny and I stood after dinner and began to clear the table of dishes. Emme stood. It was so abrupt that we all watched her. I thought that she was going to run for the door, but instead she picked up her and Taylor's plate.

I chewed on my bottom lip to stop my jaw from hanging open. She was actually helping us? She wasn't screaming and trying to run away?

Emme said nothing as she brought the plates into the kitchen. She surprised me even more when she filled the sink full of water to wash the dishes. Taylor got up from the table and went into the kitchen. He crossed his arms over his chest and leaned against the counter as he watched Emme work.

They said nothing to each other. Emme avoided looking at Taylor as his eyes were locked on her every move.

After we cleaned up, the men went back outside with Jared. I could see them through the bars on the window that they were sitting on the porch. My heart ached as I was a bit disappointed that I did not get to go outside with them like I usually do. They must not want Emme to know that it is possible to ever go outside.

"You both should rest," Jenny said. She smiled before she clasped her hands in front of her face. "I love that the two of you are pregnant at the same time."

Emme's hand went over her belly. She chewed on her lip as she stared into space. She jumped when I put my hand on her shoulder. My chest tightened, afraid that she would attack me again.

"Let's go to the living room," I said.

Emme let out a deep breath before nodding. I grabbed the crook of her elbow and pulled her into the living room. Jenny was close behind. I sat down on the couch and Emme sat next to me. Jenny went over to the record player, and music began to fill the living room. It was Big Band music that my grandparents would listen to.

"How do you feel about Taylor?" Jenny asked. "I have always tried to raise my boys right."

Emme rubbed her arms as she rocked back and forth on the couch. She was staring at the floor. I rubbed her back, and she did not try to push me off.

"How I feel about Taylor," Emme repeated. "How I feel about Taylor."

"Yes," Jenny said. "Do you love him?"

"Love him?" Emme furrowed her brows. "Do I love him?"

Jenny nodded. Emme let out a deep breath and shook her head.

"Do I love him?" she said again. "Do I love him?"

"Emme, you know he's trying to take care of you, right?" I asked.

She closed her eyes. She was silent for a moment. The loud music filled our ears.

"I love him," Emme said. 

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