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 It was difficult to sleep during the night due to my throbbing head. Gabe's light snoring just made the pain even worse. I must have fallen asleep though because when I opened my eyes, someone was sitting on the edge of the bed. It was difficult to see them as the sun had yet to rise. I reached out expecting it to be Gabe, but I touched a slender wrist.

"How are you feeling?" Jenny asked.

Jenny was here? She never comes to our place in the morning. We always eat breakfast and then go to Noah's. This was out of routine.

"Why are you here?" I asked.

"You need to rest," she said. "I am here to take care of Jared. The boys will come over here for dinner."

"What about Emme?" I asked.

Jenny let out a deep breath.

"She's in the basement," she said.

I bit down on my lip. I knew what they would have done to Emme. They would have her tied up in the basement. She could potentially be there for days. I had blocked the days I was stuck there out of my mind.

"I hope it helps her," Jenny said softly.

I closed my eyes. The pain had dulled, but it still ached.

"I am going to make Jared breakfast," she said. "Stay here and rest."

"Thank you," I said.

Jenny got up off of the bed and quietly closed the door behind her. I rolled over and stretched my arms across the bed. Gabe's side was still warm. It had been years since I was able to sleep in, but I was unable to enjoy it due to the headache.

I sighed before drifting off into sleep.


The day was long and boring. I lied in bed, and I thought about Emme. I could picture her hands tied to the post as she cried. I remembered my aching shoulders and bloody wrists. I wondered how long they would keep her down there, especially since she was now pregnant. Would they do something that could hurt the baby?

As each hour ticked by, the pain lessened. It never went away though. It was either focus on the pain or think about Emme. Either thought caused nausea to sit heavy in my stomach. I wanted Jenny to come upstairs with Jared, but I know Jared would be loud and climb over me, which would not help the headache.

I smiled when I heard the door downstairs open and then a series of male voices. The men were here, and I could smell dinner. I knew that they would be eating soon.

I couldn't lie in bed any longer. I needed to get my mind off of thinking about Emme. Picturing her in the basement was now becoming an intrusive thought. I needed a distraction.

When I sat up, pain radiated across my skull. I gritted my teeth and waited for a moment for the nausea to ease. I dragged my feet over to the dresser and pulled out a pair of leggings and one of Gabe's shirts. I combed my fingers through my hair.

I opened the door and made my way downstairs. The family was squished around our small dining room table. They went silent and looked in my direction when they heard the floor creak under my feet.

"Mommy!" Jared squealed from his high chair.

Gabe stood and rushed over to me. He brushed my hair off of my forehead and tucked my hair behind my ears. He cupped my face with his rough hands. His face was covered in worry.

"Linds, what is wrong?" he asked.

"Nothing," I said. "I feel better."

"You should be resting."

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