Family Reunion

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Author's Note: have you heard of WritersConnx? It is an online convention and I will be on the horror panel on November 6th. Get your tickets! If you can't afford the ticket (which is only $10) there will be a free meet and greet that day where I can answer all of your questions! See you there :)


 I had barely slept since Jared had been born. He only slept for a few hours each night, and I had to get up with him while Gabe attempted to sleep through Jared's crying. I would rock him, feed him, or change him until he would fall back asleep. I would then crawl into bed to try and sleep a few more hours.

Jenny saw the bags under my eyes and she insisted that I sleep while she looked after Jared and did the chores. I was shocked how much Noah and Jenny wanted to hold him. Jenny came and woke me up when it was time to make dinner.

I yawned as I chopped the vegetables. Noah and Gabe had built a crib for Jared in the kitchen. I kept stealing glances at my little baby. I could not help but smile every time that I saw him. He already looked so much like Gabe and it made my heart flutter in my chest.

"I love having a newborn in the house," Jenny said.

"It's so exhausting," I said.

"That's motherhood," she said.

Jenny and I had finished setting the food on the table when the men came inside. Gabe kissed my cheek before going upstairs to wash up. I picked up Jared and held him in my arms as I sat at the table.

I picked up the fork with my free hand and picked at my dinner. Gabe kept his hand on my knee under the table as he ate. Noah had a piece of paper in his hands. I could see the creases from where it had been folded three times.

"I told Charles about the baby," Noah said. "He and the boys are excited to meet Jared."

Noah had mentioned that name before. Every few months he had a letter to read to the table from his brother. It made me wonder how big this family was. I had never met this uncle and cousins of Gabe's before. I think they were worried about me misbehaving after Bonnie's death.

"Does that mean they are coming to visit?" Taylor asked. A smile appeared on his lips.

"I think it would be appropriate," Noah said. "It is a chance for them to meet both Lindsay and Jared."

"That would be nice," Gabe said. He curled his fingers into my knee. "Honey, you should really put the baby down so that you can eat."

"I am good like this," I said.

Gabe chuckled and shook his head.

"It will be so nice to have them over," Jenny said.

"I'm going to tell them to come as soon as they can," Noah said.


Noah read the next letter from Charles out loud a few weeks later. The exhaustion from having the baby was still weighing heavily on me. Jenny was more than ecstatic to take care of Jared while I took a nap or took a shower.

In the letter, Charles said that they would be visiting in a few days. Everyone in the house was ecstatic, but nervousness sat in my stomach. I had not met new people in almost three years. I did not want to embarrass Gabe.

Jenny was in overdrive, making sure the immaculate house was as clean as possible. She made a large dinner the night they were expecting Charles and his sons. We pulled the table apart and put the leaf in it to make it longer. We waited until it was dark, but they did not show.

"Maybe they will be here tomorrow," Noah said. "Dinner should not go cold."

We sat down to eat when there was a knock on the door. Noah jumped up from the table and rushed over to the door. Taylor and Dylan followed him to the front door. Gabe patted my knee and got up from the table. I lifted Jared from the crib and stood behind Gabe.

A middle-aged man that looked a lot like Noah walked in. He embraced Noah in a quick hug before parting. Behind him were two teenage boys. The one in front was tall and had short dark hair. The boy behind him was even taller. I bit down on my lip to suppress a gasp when I saw the thick jagged scar that ran from his nose horizontally across his cheek. He had long hair tucked behind his ears.

"Charles, it is so good to see you," Noah said. "I hope the drive over wasn't bad."

"I had to listen to these two argue most of the time," Charles said.

The shorter of the two teenagers chuckled and shook his head.

"I wouldn't have had to argue if you two didn't force me to sit in the middle," he said.

Charles looked over at Gabe. He clasped his hands in front of his chest and smiled.

"Gabe, good to see you," Charles said. "Let's see your family."

Gabe reached behind him and pushed me in front of his body. He wrapped his arms around my waist. My breath caught in my throat and the heat rushed to my cheeks. Charles' smile grew. The two boys craned their necks to get a look at my baby.

"This is Lindsay and Jared," Gabe said.

"Nice to meet you," Charles said.

Gabe squeezed my side, and I took it as a warning to be friendly.

"Nice to meet you too," I said. My voice came out in a squeak.

Charles set his bag on the floor and held his hands out.

"May I hold him?" he asked.

I nodded my head and passed Jared over to Charles. My heart pounded as I watched my baby be in a stranger's arms. Charles was part of the family and Gabe did not stop me so I assumed it was alright. Charles managed to smile even wider as he looked down at Jared.

"He's so small," Charles said. "I feel like it has been forever since I held a baby."

"We are so glad to have him," Noah said. "Taylor will get his wife in a couple of years and we'll have more sons in the family."

My chest tightened. I had not thought about Gabe's brothers' future wives. I wondered what it would be like when they came into the house.

"Lindsay," Gabe said, patting my hip. "These are our cousins."

The shorter of the two reached his hand out toward me. He had a sickening smirk on his lips that made me want to hide behind Gabe again. Gabe grabbed my elbow and forced me to shake the boy's hand.

"I'm Tommy," he said.

"Jimmy." The taller one waved his hand.

"I'm Lindsay," I said.

"We have heard a lot about you," Tommy said.

I swallowed past the lump forming in my throat and nodded. Charles passed Jared back to me and I was relieved to have my baby back in my arms.

"Let's go eat," Jenny said. "Dinner is on the table."

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