My Baby

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Author's note: Follow me on Twitter @masonfitzzy . Also have you heard of WritersConnx? It is a two-day online convention that I will be speaking at with other Wattpad Stars. There will be a horror panel!! Tickets are cheap and definitely worth it. I would love to see you all there!


My first contraction hit me in the middle of the night. My heart hammered in my chest when I was woken up by pain that was spread across my lower abdomen. Gabe was lying on his stomach asleep. I shook his shoulder. He groaned, dug the heel of his palm in his eye, and rolled onto his back.

"What?" he asked.

"The baby is coming," I said.

Gabe bolted up so that he was sitting. He threw the blankets off himself and hurried over to my side of the bed. He got down on his knees and took my hands in his. His eyes were wide and he was chewing on his bottom lip.

"I'll wake Dad and Mom," he said. He let go of my hand and ran his fingers through my hair. "It's going to be alright."

"What if it is a girl?" I said in a harsh whisper.

Gabe shook his head.

"We're not going to worry about that right now," he said.

"I can't help it," I said.

"We just need to focus on keeping you healthy through this delivery," he said. "Besides, I have a good feeling it is a boy."

Gabe got off of his knees. He kissed me before rushing out of the room. I rubbed my belly and gritted my teeth as another contraction hit me. From Bonnie's birth, I know that it is going to get a lot worse.

Jenny was the first one to come into the bedroom. Her grey-streaked hair was tied on top of her head and she was wearing what looked like Noah's clothes. She rolled up the sleeves of the sweater. A wide smile was plastered on her face. She sat on the bed and put her hand on my knee. She had a watch in her hand.

"Are you excited?" she asked.

I closed my eyes. My lips trembled as a tear rolled down my cheek. Jenny squeezed my knee.

"I can't have another girl," I said. "I think it will kill me."

"You have to try and stay positive," Jenny said.

"Gabe said he thinks that it will be a boy," I said. "But that's what we said about the first pregnancy."

We never told any of the family that we named our daughter. We were supposed to forget about her, so I was afraid Noah would punish us.

"You will have a boy," Jenny said. "If it is not this time, it will be the next. I had a couple of daughters."

"You did?" I asked.

She nodded. Her hand went over her heart as she closed her eyes. I wondered how hard the death of her daughters still sat in her chest. I was curious how difficult Bonnie's death would be for the rest of my life.

Noah and Gabe walked into the bedroom. Noah had a stack of old towels in his hands. I swallowed past the lump forming in my throat.

I prayed that this would be a boy. It had to be.


I screamed as I pushed. Gabe was holding onto me as I screamed out in pain. I crushed his hands in my grip and I could hear him hiss out in pain. I opened my eyes to see Jenny and Noah between my legs. Both of them had their sleeves rolled up. Taylor and Dylan were watching from the doorway. It was early morning and the room was flooded with sunlight.

Sweat was rolling down my face and drenched my hair. I gritted my teeth as Jenny told me to push again. I let out a scream and my head rolled back onto Gabe's shoulder.

The high-pitched cry from my baby filled my ears. I let out a deep breath and a smile crossed my face. My baby was breathing. I tried to push myself up so that I could see the baby, but the pain stopped me from moving.

I looked at Noah and Jenny to see them smiling. Jenny was washing the baby as Noah held it. They then swaddled it in a towel as his cries quieted.

"Is it a boy?" I asked.

"It is," Jenny said. "He's a beautiful boy."

Gabe squeezed my hands and kissed my cheek. Jenny passed the bundled up baby over to me and placed it in my arms.

My baby was so tiny. His skin was pink. His little mouth was open. He had a button nose and his eyes were barely open. He had thick dark hair on top of his head.

"Look at all his hair," I said.

Gabe chuckled. He ran his fingers along the top of our baby's head. I glanced up to see Jenny with a huge smile and her hands clasped in front of her chest. Noah wrapped his arms around her thin body.

"We're finally grandparents," Noah said.

"This house is going to be filled with so much love," Jenny said. "What are you going to name him?"

"I was going to let Lindsay pick out the name," Gabe said.

My heart fluttered in my chest. I took my eyes off of our baby boy for a second to look up at Gabe. He brushed a piece of sweaty hair off of my forehead and kissed my cheek.

"Really?" I asked.

"Of course," he said. He leaned in to whisper in my ear so that only the two of us could hear. "You did a good job with Bonnie."

I picked Bonnie's name because it was my birth mother's. I named our daughter after a member of my birth family, so it only seemed appropriate to do the same thing for our son. I was never close with my birth father, so that did not seem appropriate. I thought about naming him after Finn, but I was sure that Gabe remembered my old boyfriend's name. I did not want him to know I was naming our children after people in my old life.

"How about Jared?" I asked.

Jared was my grandfather's name. He used to babysit me when my mother would go to work on the weekends. He usually told me war stories that were inappropriate for a child to hear during commercial breaks of NASCAR races. I loved him so much and he died when I was a teenager. It was odd to think about people in my birth family. They seemed like a distant memory.

"Jared," Gabe repeated. "I like it."

"Really?" I looked up at him with a smile.

"It is perfect."

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