We Have Guests

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"Dad, we have guests," Gabe announced as we walked into the dining room.

Emme was the first one to look at Chris and Val. Her eyes were wide and fear was covering her face. I chewed on my lip and prayed that she would behave.

"We did not mean to interrupt your meal," Chris said.

"Don't worry about that," Noah said as he stood. "We would love to have you for dinner."

"We just need a map," Val said.

"We will get you one."

Noah walked around the table. He put a hand on Chris's shoulder and they walked together into the kitchen. My eyes did not leave Emme's. I gave her a soft smile in an attempt to comfort her. Taylor put his arm around her. She closed her eyes and rested her head against his shoulder.

I rubbed my stomach as Gabe kept me behind his back. Val's eyes darted around the dining room before she followed Noah and Chris into the kitchen. Gabe pulled his knife out of his pocket and flicked the blade out. My heart pounded and my feet felt stuck to the floor. I stayed in place as Gabe walked toward Val.

I craned my neck so that I could see into the kitchen. Noah was at the bottom of the stairs when he turned around. In one swift motion, Noah swung his arm. The metal of his pocket knife flashed, and Chris ducked. He held his hand up in defense, and Noah slashed through his flesh.

Val let out an ear-piercing scream, which was cut off by Gabe's hand. He pulled her back to his body and held his knife up to her throat. Her eyes were wide and she clawed at Gabe's hand.

Blood was dripping onto the floor from Chris's hand. Noah grabbed a fistful of Chris's shirt and yanked him forward. Val let out a muffled scream as she watched Noah pull his arm back before shoving the blade into Chris's stomach. Chris screamed. Val was thrashing around in Gabe's grip.

I looked back over at Emme to see that her head was still on Taylor's shoulder. She squeezed her eyes shut, and a few tears were rolling down her cheeks. Taylor rubbed her shoulders in an effort to comfort her. Val let out another muffled scream and Emme covered her ears with her hands.

Jenny stood from the table. She put her hand on my shoulder and looked into the kitchen. Val was thrashing against Gabe. The knife was cutting into her throat and blood was rolling down her neck. Blood was trickling out of Chris's mouth and his eyes were rolling into the back of his head. Jenny clicked her tongue against the roof of her mouth.

"Boys," she said. "You're ruining my floor."

"Sorry, sweetheart," Noah said.

He pulled the blade out of Chris's stomach and Chris let out a slight groan. His knees gave out under him as Noah pulled him over to the drain.

"Come help me, Dylan," Noah said.

Dylan nodded as he stood and hurried over to the drain. They stripped Chris's clothes off of him and forced the hooks into his thighs. They pulled on the ropes and hoisted his body up into the air. Val had tears streaming down her cheeks.

"Bring her over here and slit her throat, Gabriel," Noah said.

Val let out another muffled scream. Blood bubbled on the back of Gabe's hand as Val clawed and scratched at him to try and get to her freedom. Gabe gritted his teeth and pulled her over to the drain. He threw her down onto the cracked tiles of the drain. She screamed and it rang through my ears. Gabe put his foot on her back to keep her pinned to the ground.

I looked back over at the table. Emme was breathing heavy as she kept her eyes closed. Taylor was whispering something into her ear. Jared was sitting in his high chair playing with his mashed potatoes with his fingers. He was completely oblivious to what was going on.

Gabe leaned down and placed the blade of his knife against Val's throat. He pushed in deep and dragged the blade across her throat. Blood sprayed onto the stained tiles and swirled into the drain. Val let out a garbled sound. Her body collapsed onto the tiles when Gabe let go.

He turned around, and his hand was soaked in blood. Splatters of blood were also across his face. My eyes went wide as he walked up to me. He looked down at his bloody hand before grabbing the dishtowel that was hanging off the stove. He wiped his face, smearing the blood, and cleaned his hand. I kept my hands over my belly.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

I nodded. He kissed my forehead as he wrapped his arms around me. I looked over my shoulder to see Emme opening her eyes. She wiped the tears off of her cheeks.

"Is Emme going to be okay?" I whispered.

"Of course." He kissed my temple. "She loves it here now."

"Let's help her see that she loves it here," Noah said.

My heart pounded as I looked to see Noah standing beside us. His white T-shirt was soaked with blood. He snapped his fingers and everyone sitting around the table looked in his direction.

"Taylor, bring Emme up here," Noah said.

"No!" Emme cried out.

"Emme, you need to behave," Taylor said.

He stood and yanked Emme up onto her feet. She started to cry again as he pushed her forward to the drain. He pulled his knife out of his pocket and shoved it into Emme's hand. She dropped the knife. He sighed and reached down to pick it up again. He placed the blade back into her hand, and held her hand with his so that she would not drop it again.

"All you have to do is slit his throat," Taylor said.

"I can't," Emme sobbed. "Please, don't make me do this."

"It will be quick."

Taylor pushed their hands forward and forced the blade into Chris's throat. Emme gagged as the blood sprayed onto them. Taylor dropped the knife and Emme turned and buried her face into his chest. She clung to his shirt as she sobbed. Taylor rubbed her back.

"Let's get you cleaned up," he said. "You did a good job, Emmie."

He pulled her up the stairs and down the hall to the bathroom. I let go of a breath that I did not realize that I was holding onto. Gabe took a step back and went over to the sink and began washing his hands. My hands did not leave my stomach.

I helped Jenny clear the table. I stole glimpses of the two dead bodies by the drain. I could not hear Emme crying anymore, so I prayed that she had calmed down.

Everything went on in the house like it was a normal evening. 

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