Emme's Freakout

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 Jenny had Emme take the last pregnancy test that we had in the cupboard in the bathroom upstairs. Emme was in the bathroom as Jenny and I cleaned the kitchen. It was quiet until we heard wailing come from the bathroom. Jenny and I dropped what we were doing and both ran up the staircase.

I pushed the bathroom door open to see Emme crumpled on the floor. She was sitting next to the tub, her knees up to her chest, and her head hanging low. She was sobbing and shaking her head. Jenny got down on her knees beside her. She placed a hand on her shoulder, but Emme swatted her away. I picked up the pregnancy test off the edge of the sink.

There were two lines.

Emme was pregnant.

She let out a scream and pulled her hair. Her face was bright red as tears streamed down her cheeks. Jenny looked up at me and I showed her the test. She smiled and wrapped her arms around Emme and pulled her into her chest. Emme did not try to push her away this time.

"This can't be happening," Emme cried. "This can't be real."

"Emme, it's okay," Jenny said. "We're here to help you."

"No!" Emme pushed Jenny away from her and was seething. "You let him do this to me! You let him rape me!"

Jenny's face went pale. She pulled herself up so that she was standing. Emme scrambled to get up onto her feet.

"Emme-" Jenny started.

"No!" She cut her off. "He's your son and he's a monster. You raised a creep. A murdering creep."

Jenny bit down on her lip. She reached into the back pocket of her jeans and pulled out the radio. I put my hand on Jenny's arm and she looked over at me. I shook my head.

"Don't call them in," I said. "At least, not yet."

I did not want Taylor to come in and punish Emme. I could see him cutting her arm because she was upset. She was on the verge of getting use to the family, and I did not want anything to ruin that. She was only saying bad things about Taylor now because she is in shock. I also remember crying when I found out I was pregnant with Bonnie.

"Lindsay, she is out of control," Jenny said.

"Let's try to calm her down first," I said.

I took my hand off of Jenny's arm and stepped toward Emme. She was panting for breath as she pulled on her hair.

"Emme, you're going to be okay," I said.

"No, this is a nightmare," she said. "I am stuck in a nightmare."

"You're with your family. We love you. Taylor loves you."

I reached out and touched Emme's arm. She let out a screech and pushed me back. I stumbled over the edge of the tub and fell back. Emme fell on top of me and we were lying in the tub. She grabbed the collar of my sweater.

"Noah, you need to get in here quick," I heard Jenny say. Her voice was frantic.

"Taylor does not love me!" she screamed.

"Get off of me!" I pushed Emme, but she tightened her grip on my sweater.

"His spawn is inside of me," she said.

"Emme, get off of Lindsay!" Jenny yelled.

Emme's face was growing red. Her cheeks were stained with tears. I pushed her again. She pushed me back and pain exploded in the back of my skull as it collided with the tub. My vision went black and hazy around the edges. I cried out in pain.

"This sick family has ruined my life!" Emme said.

Her voice caused pain to ring throughout my head. Jenny shrieked, which only intensified the pain, and she covered her mouth with her hands. I closed my eyes as the lights above me were blinding.

I did not open my eyes until I heard the men rush upstairs. Taylor was the first to enter. His eyes grew wide as he took in the scene. He pushed past Jenny, grabbed Emme's arms, and pulled her off of me. She screamed and tried to hit him in the face, but his grip was too tight on her arms.

"What are you doing?" he asked.

"Fuck off!" she yelled.

I cradled my head with my hand as I pushed myself up with shaky arms. A hand touched my back, and my heart pounded thinking that it was Emme. The fear eased when I heard Gabe's voice.

"Are you hurt?" he asked, kneeling next to the tub.

"My head is killing me," I said.

Gabe gritted his teeth and looked over his shoulder at Emme. Taylor still had a tight grip on her and she was sobbing.

"She's pregnant!" Gabe shouted. "How could you do that?"

"She attacked me first," Emme said.

My head was pounding so hard that I could no longer keep my eyes open.

"That's a lie," Jenny said. "Lindsay was trying to help her."

"First you attack your family. Your pregnant family," Noah said. "Now, you are lying to us. Taylor, I think we should take her down to the basement."

Gabe rubbed my back in an attempt to comfort me. The pounding in my head was so bad that I could not remove my hands from my temple.

"Linds, what happened?" Gabe asked. "What did your head hit?"

"The tub," I said.

Gabe wrapped his arms around me. I buried my head in his chest to get rid of the bits of light peeking into my black vision.

"Head injuries are very serious, Gabriel," Noah said. "Emme, you could have killed Lindsay. We are going to have to keep a close eye on her."

"Is she going to die?" Gabe asked, his voice was drenched in panic.

"She shouldn't," Noah said. "It could happen though."

Gabe tightened his arms around me. My heart pounded when I thought that I may die. Emme may have given me a painful death. I would never see Jared again because I would not want him to see me like this.

"Lindsay, let me take a look at you," Noah said.

I sighed as I pulled myself away from Gabe. I slowly opened my eyes and hissed at the pain. Noah was crouched in front of me.

"I know about concussions," I muttered, barely able to keep my eyes open.

Noah raised his brows. "You do?"

"I went to nursing school for a year," I said.

"What do you do?"

"You need to rest. Don't be in a dark room during the day."

"Well, Gabriel can do that."

Gabe stood and scooped me up into his arms. I rolled my head to the side so that it was resting against Gabe's chest. He walked me out of the bathroom.

"Is that a pregnancy test?" I could hear Taylor say. 

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