The Pillow

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 I was on edge all day while Jenny and I cleaned the house. I tried to sneak glances out of the windows to see if I could see the men outside. I was afraid that Taylor would be talking to Gabe. He did not come in angry at me, so I doubted that he said anything.

I was at the stove cooking with Jenny when Gabe came into the house. He was smiling and kissed my cheek before heading upstairs. A few minutes later, the rest of the family came into the kitchen.

I put a bowl of mashed potatoes onto the table when Gabe came back downstairs. He wrapped his arms around me from behind and pulled me to his chest. Dylan and Taylor came into the dining room. Taylor smirked when he saw us. I patted Gabe's hands and turned around to face him.

"Were you good today?" he asked.

"Yes," I said.

Gabe brushed a piece of my hair behind my ear. He leaned down closer to me, and his warm breath fanned across my face. I turned around and sat down in the chair before he could kiss me. Gabe sat down next to me.

Jenny finished bringing in the last of the food. Noah sat down at the head of the table.

The days of not eating were finally adding up. My stomach ached when I saw the food. I piled my plate full of food and began to ate. When I looked up, the entire family was staring at me and smiling.

"You're settling in here quite fine," Noah said.

I swallowed the piece of meat that was in my mouth. Between the way I was acting earlier and how I was scarfing down the food, it would seem like I was acting like the perfect wife that they wanted. I was only doing this to gain their trust and I needed to eat. If I did not eat I would be too weak to fight against them.

Gabe put his hand on my back.

"I told you she would be perfect for this family," he said.

I lost my appetite after that and could not finish the rest of my food. Gabe did not say anything and did not force me to eat the rest of the dinner. I helped Jenny clear off the table.

Gabe went to take a shower after dinner. I knew that when he comes back he was going to force himself on me. I grabbed one of his T-shirts out of the drawer and changed out of my clothes. I slid into the bed, curled up on my side and closed my eyes.

I listened to the footsteps as Gabe walked into the bedroom. He chuckled when he saw me and I prayed that he thought that I was asleep. He flicked off the lights and crawled into the bed. He slid his arm around my waist and kissed my cheek before settling down on the bed.

My heart fluttered when I realized I was actually going to escape one of Gabe's assaults.


I only managed to fall into pockets of sleep. Any time that I closed my eyes, I would see the horrors of my first night. Wyatt's skull washed bashed in, Alyssa's throat was slit, and Finn was stabbed to death. They all died because of me. I was the idiot that decided to go into this house.

I could not think like that.

They all died because of this family. They were sick and twisted. They needed to be stopped, and that was up to me. I had to go to the police and get them arrested. It was the only way that I could bring justice to my friends and boyfriend.

My boyfriend.

Finn was the love of my life. As he was bleeding out on the floor, he was not asking for them to spare his life. He was begging them for them to let me live. I wondered if he would have asked for that if he knew what this family had planned for me.

I propped myself up on my elbow and looked down at Gabe. He was lying on his back. His chest was bare and the key was exposed.

I had to get that key.

Pretending to be in love with Gabe was going to get me my freedom slowly. Getting the key was the quick way. If I had the key I would not have to endure anymore of Gabe's assaults or his punishments.

I would not be able to get the key off of his chest without waking him up. I was going to have to kill him to get that key. How would I do it though?

I looked around the dark room. There was nothing in the room I could use. I could sneak down into the kitchen and get a knife, but I run the risk of being caught again. Even if I did use a knife, Gabe would probably scream and attract the attention of his family. I had to kill him and I had to do it silently.

I looked down at the bed and my heart pounded in my chest. I had found my answer.

The pillow.

If I put the pillow over Gabe's face, I could kill him. He could scream, but hopefully it would be muffled by the pillow. It would be slow, but I could suffocate him.

I slowly got onto my knees on the bed. My hands were shaking as I grabbed my pillow. Gabe's snoring grew louder, like he knew that he was about to lose all of his air.

I sucked in a deep breath before I shoved the pillow down onto Gabe's face. I pinned it down on either side of his head with my hands. Gabe let out a cry as his body thrashed underneath me. I threw my leg over Gabe so that I could better steady myself as he fought back.

I gritted my teeth as I struggled to keep the pillow down. Gabe tossed his head from side to side. He let out another muffled scream.

Gabe grabbed my wrists. He overpowered me as he ripped my hands away. He rolled me onto my back. He tossed the pillow to the floor. He was panting for breath.

"What are you doing?" he asked.

"Get off me!" I yelled.

I grabbed the key that was dangling around his neck. Gabe grabbed my wrist and pried my fingers off with his other hand. He pinned my hands against the mattress above my head.

"You were trying to kill me!" he seethed.

"Let go of me!"

"Earlier today, that was all an act. Wasn't it?"

I brought my knee up and hit Gabe between the legs. He yelped and let go of my hands. I scurried off the bed and started running. I did not have the key, but I needed to at least get a knife to protect myself.

"Lindsay, get back here!" Gabe screamed as he chased after me.

I got to the top of the stairs before he grabbed the back of my shirt. I stumbled and Gabe pushed me down onto the floor. He climbed on top of me, and trapped me underneath his body. I balled up my fists and pounded Gabe's chest as I kicked my legs out.

There was the sound of a door creaking and there was the sound of footsteps in the hall. I could see Noah lean down over Gabe's shoulder and I knew that I was in trouble. 

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