Chapter 1

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Violet's POV*

My breath became short, my heart pumped loudly in my ears. "Come back here! Come back here, Violet!"  

"No!" screaming hurt my dead lungs so I focused on running. The voice followed closely behind me, laughing in my ears. My lungs were collapsing, my heart stopped, my limbs were numb. A cold hand grabbed my shoulders and drained whatever life I had left....

I jolted up from my reoccurring nightmare. Between that and my insomnia, I don't get sleep too often. I grabbed my phone, 3:13am. I sighed and flopped down on my bed. I lifted my pale arm up in the light of my phone. You could just barely see the scars from five months ago. Although they faded fast, I could still see them, haunting me like a phantom. I put my arm down and ruffled my strangely colored hair. I got the name Violet when I was born. My hair is a mix between red and black and looks purple.

I gave up on trying to fall back asleep around 4:00. I got up, threw on my chucks, grabbed my board and headed down to the skatepark. I had to walk there, since skating the streets is illegal past 10pm. When I finally got there, I dropped my board and skated around the pavement. I did a few tricks before deciding to head home and get ready for school.

I jumped in the shower and quickly straightened my hair. I threw on grey skinny jeans, my black Crown the Empire tee shirt and my chucks. I put on a blue beanie to match the writing on my shirt. By the time i finished getting ready it was 6:00.

I tip-toed down the stairs to not wake my parents and siblings. I grabbed an apple, my book bag and board and walked down to the skate park. I threw what was left of my apple away and stood by the fence fixing my gauges. I looked over to the half pipe and saw a guy standing there, his board at his feet, ready to fly down the wooden ramp.

The moment I looked away, he stepped on and flew down the half pipe. He did a few tricks while I stood there, mouth wide open. I knew I'd never seen him before because no guy in Huntington could skate like that. He jumped from the ramp and made his way over to me.

"Hey, I'm Keaton." I stood there, about to say something when my phone went off. "Sorry I have to go." I dropped my board and skated to the school, mentally kicking myself for not saying anything else.

A/N: So first chapter! I know it's pretty bad but, thoughts?


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